Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

They won’t even fix the audio for the Running Wild /mountspecial emote. I’m guessing that it’s still going to be bugged when 10.2.5 goes live.

At least it looks like reclaiming Gilneas truly will be a proper reclamation, though. On PTR there’s a bunch of placeholder/unfinished NPCs everywhere, plus some spoilers here and there. I do hope they add in missing art assets like animated windows and Genn Greymane’s telescope, though.

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So like how the darkspear trolls got their isle back and not like how the gnomes tried to retake gnomeregan only for it to still not be a functional city? Still say they’d be wise to if anything discreetly sneak in worgen getting optional tails if they do the retaking of Gilneas scenario otherwise it’s elf hunting season and I’ll be having my blacksmith making me fresh whetstones to sharpen my blades for taking them elf ears. Blizz denying worgen constantly and spoiling the elves other than nightborne needs to stop, Worgen having to wait what ten years for the better model then ignored like they have been is such crud.


Give worgen tails

Now is the perfect opportunity for Worgen to have a lore-based reason to get tails. Goldrinn is active in the current zone - give the Alliance a mini quest for the Gilneans to meet with Goldrinn and discuss the curse, resulting in Goldrinn blessing them to be in-tune with their wolf nature. This can unlock more customization options, notably the option for tails.


Well if Silvermoon is getting revamped might as well torch it and hinder the upgrade process. Have a huge Worgen army crashing Silvermoon in protest.

Worgens should hold Silvermoon Hostage till they get there tails.

They’d probably think it was a declaration of war when in reality nah it isn’t a declaration of war on the Horde…no just the elves for getting tons they don’t need while we worgen starve for options. Hold Lorthemar and his new bride hostage, threaten to burn down Silvermoon unless we get our tails… could be glorious or well better than battle for the undercity in BFA. Sadly Blizz would probably still deny us or blow up Gilneas… we just want our dang optional tails, why is this such a hard thing for them to do… give us a dang mini quest to go talk to Goldrinn and get our tails if we want them or something instead of shunning us yet again. I mean for crying out loud what do i need to do set Stormwind on fire, sacrifice Tyrande over a moonwell…what? Bad enough she’s alive still but why they punishing us by shunning us for options? The elves make a thread like this asking for something it happens…we make this thread and it gets us made fun of by lady dracthyr and basically ignored…how is this fair?

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Let’s Necro an old post again because I concur.

Give Worgen tails.

Wasn’t necro’d its been going on for 3 years it wasn’t raised from the dead yesterday.


It just came up on my things to comment on after the last time I posted in like, 2020, so it’s kinda necro’d in my eyes whether others commented on it or not.

People have been chatting in this thread for 3 solid years. There was no necro line of 3 years later.


You completely disregarded what I said, clearly. Anyway.

Give Worgen Tails.

A necro is when you raise a dead thread back to life that noone is talking in and it was inactive. This thread was active for 3 years. There was nothing to necro. You cannot necro a live thread despite its age.

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He’s clearly a troll, best to let him starve. We know the thread wasn’t necroed but he’s being as stubborn as a mule about it so clearly he’s just trying to start trouble. He’s best to be ignored


It seems that we will fight the Scarlet Crusade to reclaim Gilneas:

I would have prefered to fight renegade Forsakens but if i have to take a guess, it could be to allow the Horde to participate… and i don’t want that.
Reclaiming Gilneas must be an Alliance quest only.

But there will be an effective resettlement:

Good news i guess but i would like to have a gilnean armor as a memento of the event.

I can’t believe they gave you back your city before they gave you Tails. That’s not like a joke or mocking, I’m legitimately shocked after how long you’ve campaigned, for three years.

so the only thing that got necrod was your involvement?

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From the sounds of this you want our support for you to get tails and other options but you don’t want use to help retake your city for you? I’m not trying to be mean or anything because i do support giving worgens there tails and all the options like they gave the Dracthyr. But excluding a whole faction from taking part of the game inst fair. I wasn’t in favor of the 4th war. It was a waist of time and resources for both sides. It killed a lot of innocent people. Yea i was killed by alliance and then raised into undeath deering all of that but, i still say it wasn’t needed. As a Death knight I’m used to working with both factions. Yea i still hold a but of resentment towards the alliance for killing me but i have been given a second chance to help everyone on Azeroth. And i will still support and help by giving my voice to the cause “Give worgen tails” but don’t exclude us on helping you on taking back your city. Not all of the Horde are bad just misunderstood.

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Tell that to Theramore, Darnassus, South Shore folks. They want a word with you.

And what’s wrong with having faction quests only?
I mean it wasn’t a problem at BfA so why it would be one now?
The paladins Blood elves got a special questline in SL and few made a fuss about it.

Story wise Genn Greymann seems to only trust Lor’themar so at the very least only blood elves could participate openly i guess.

In fact i would have preferred that the devs do a “Return to Kezan” questline as a mirror for the Goblins - Horde only of course.


I stand by my statement. I was alive and a kit back when Theramore took place, When the tree of Darnassus burned down and South shore was taken over i wasn’t part of the horde yet again i was back in Val’dune shortly after is when i was killed and brought back into this world. But i could say the same thing about the Alliance on how In alternet Draenor the lightforge Draenei forcefully converting everyone into the light. As Illidane sayed My scare are my own.

We are no longer in BFA. Thats all in the past. there is a saying if we dont learn from the past we are doomed to repeat it. I think Its time for all of Azeroth to come together and stand as one. Let the Past be learning experience so that we can face what yet is to come and to some day strive for peace

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