Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I just don’t have it in me to be even this optimistic. This thread was started three and a half years ago, and we’ve been asking for the tail option feature before that…so say, four years. Four years, and nothing from Blizz but silence, except for a scant few sly jokes…not even a meme-worthy ‘Soon®’.

Think about it. If they announced ‘yes, it’s coming soon’, they would have a happy Worgen player base that would steadfastly stick around for it…but if they publicly informed us that it wasn’t going to happen, the offal would hit the fan, and they’d likely lose some subscriptions. In which case, remaining silent is the safest course…so the longer this goes on, the less likely it is they plan to ever deliver.


Yes, it’s really starting to get depressing to see this subject continue after so many years and end up with almost nothing in the meantime. It’s really starting to get depressing, but I’d say don’t give up hope, maybe one day…
Anyway, I totally understand that way of thinking, they don’t take risks like that. Still, it’s a pity they don’t at least say that there are going to be some additions for worgens, even if it’s not what we’re expecting, just to say that they haven’t forgotten this race.


I’d be happy to be proven wrong… :roll_eyes:

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One day Blizzard will realize there are more than just elves to give custom options to.

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You Worgens have it all wrong. You got to use reverse psychology. You have to tell them you don’t want tails. Then you will get tails.

everyone should get a tail.

Better to start threatening to spread the Worgen curse. Once everyone is Worgen then they will have to give us options. After all my bite is far worse than my bark.


Give Worgen Tails.

Fix the Heritage Armor Set to be more Genn’s or add in another awesome alternate Heritage Armor Set that is Gilnean and very different from Stormwind Footman. Like Awesome Version of the Footman but 100% Better that is Gilnean Like.


Like Awesome Version of the Footman but better or just fix the Worgen Heritage Armor to have Variety Colors and fix the Trench Coats and Shoulderpads.


I, uhm…

looks around

Don’t tell anyone, but I could be convinced to actually pay for a King Genn Trenchcoat mog. And his Worgen model? Oh, yeah.

Give 'em, Blizz. NOW.


Funnily enough we’ve already had 3 separate interviews this expansions of people like Morgan Day and Steve Danuser, two of the top dogs at blizzard not confirming or denying if it’s coming, Morgan Day specifically saying “We’ve definitely heard that feedback of “Can we have tails please””

At this point I’m just patiently waiting, that and also waiting for worgen paladin which is definitely on it’s way.

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Blizzard what on gods green earth did you do to my hood? Don’t make me come to Blizzard HQ cause we will end up with tails if I have to come to you.



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I…was going to ask that too… like you got a blue and white pixelated box eating your head. Isn’t that a Wrath skin? Why is it doing that? Here’s hoping when we eventually get optional tails they don’t do them wrong… would be so weird having a pixelated box attached to my rear where the tail was supposed to be.


Good Ol’ butt box.

I don’t know in game it shows correctly and it was correct till after the server reset today… odd.

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just wanted to say it looks like you’re wearing one of those cones and it made me laugh<3
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


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Somebody at Blizzard HQ hates Worgens. Perhaps start dishing out the Worgen curse at HQ?

And give them something cool? No way. Blizzard has always disliked Worgen due to running out of time with regards to development of the race and rather than admit it they scrapped the in progress work on Worgen and slapped out the abomination one of Blizzards biggest failures of a model in WoWs history. For 10 years they tried to pretend like nothing was wrong but just look at Celestine of the Harvest and Fiona and explain why the only two female lead Worgen characters got special voices. Honestly had Blizzard just admitted they ran out of time instead of trying to sweep the race under the rug we would have understood but these days the whole reason there is a post of this magnitude should speak volumes to the fact while we are sad that we keep getting ignored we are not going away and we are going to continue to demand a lore correct size and optional tail for our Worgen characters!


May you continue the good fight for your tails.
Much support. :+1:

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