Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

No tail please.

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I hope weā€™ll see Worgen tails in an upcoming patch.


Donā€™t listen to Radalpho, heā€™s just jealous of our beautiful fur and of not being able to play a worgen paladin. :dracthyr_love_animated:


How about give everyone tails, if they choose to have it? I really dont see how important this is, if you really want a tail, play that dragon or that fox.

Give worgen tails.


While suggesting they play a Vulpera is an excellent idea, I have to note that there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for appearance option additions to existing races that make sense. Worgen are more beast than human after the curse, and their posture would look more natural with a tail.

Further, itā€™s disingenuous to recommend they ā€˜play a race that already has a tail if they really want oneā€™. Thatā€™s the same as pressuring someone to go play a different game, just because they have a suggestion for improving this one. Why do people insist on quashing constructive criticism?


I might someday, i gotta unlock it though. I cant stand being a worgen when on all four, like someone looking from behind. Kinda weird position, hell even my wife laugh when she saw one ran by. imagine having a tail, well maybe a curly tail.

Is called people requesting a model appearance in a game, is important within the constraints of game importance and aesthetic choice.

Also people dont want a tail, they want a worgen with a tail. I thought it was obvious, Ill choose to assume you are not being disingenuous just oblivious.


This thread has been around so long Iā€™m probably in the mix somewhere, but itā€™s worth reiterating.

All my favorite media of werewolves depicts them with tails. The Lon Chaney version is the only one I can think of that doesnā€™t, and that one is just weird because itā€™s clearly a man with makeup. Even though the makeup is/was very good, especially for the time period, I feel like tails would be an auto-include assuming you can make them look good.

TL;DR: The technology exists to make a tail that doesnā€™t look like a butt pinecone. So make it happen!


I have a Worgen and the tail seems a bit silly. It is one of the reasons I donā€™t play a Dranaeiā€¦I got tired of looking at that thing on my screen.

Then isnā€™t the ā€˜optionalā€™ word that has been said throughout the thread from those requesting it is there, so those that donā€™t want them, donā€™t get them?


Still waiting.


I canā€™t be a Dracthyr Hunter, nor can I be an Alliance Vulpera.


Funnily enough, a tail would make that pose look a lot less awkward rofl.

Thatā€™s why we want it to be optional. While I can run around with one, you can still not have one. If you want one, you have to go visit the barber shop.

Also just a reminder. Weā€™ve had multiple times that the devs have said theyā€™ve heard about the request, or acted sarcastic around it. We havenā€™t had a no for a answer yet, so itā€™s still a big possibility! My money is on the 10.2.5 or 10.2.7 patch.

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no tails means heads
sets up guillotine
get in

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I hope the Q&A at BlizzCon asks when weā€™ll see optional tails for Worgen!

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I donā€™t know ā€“ Iā€™m not trolling through 14000+ responses to find thatā€¦ and how would that work?

Those who want a tail can choose one and those who donā€™t can keep what we already have. Seems like a win-win for all of us.

And anyone who legitimately get triggered at the thought of seeing other players using a tail option they dislike need mental help. Itā€™s sad a vocal minority hate ā€œfurriesā€ and tails on werewolves so much they actively want a race to have less options.

#giveworgentails :wolf:


Same as any other optional character customization, those that want it go to the barbershop to choose it, or do so on character creation, those that donā€™t leave it off or donā€™t select one in character creation.


aight ā€“ Iā€™m in for that.

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