Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Werewolf is a WoD game or World of Darkness unlike D&D the WoD system only uses a D 10 system of dice. It’s a bit tricky to compare it, but when I played it I had fun. The big thing about WoD is there are like 7 different games that use it so they can all be inter connected but woe to the storyteller who tries that as they are all different enough that it takes about 4-5 rule books for each. Just some of the systems are: Werewolf the Apocalypse, Vampire the Masquerade, Mage the Awakening, Hunter, Ect…

I have played vampire the masquerade, it was a bit dark.

Give Worgen Tails!


Give Worgen new appearance options…tails among them.




I believe that is mainly because the ‘oh my god it has fur so we have to hate on it’ crowd give passes/ignore the three other furred races significantly more because they compare them to other things.

I’ve seen numerous posts by haters posting on a Tauren or Worgen etc… and when the hypocrisy of them hating on a race for being “furry” on one say “oh my tauren isn’t that because it’s a minotaur”, “my worgen isn’t that because it’s a werewolf”, or “my pandaren isn’t that because it’s kung fu panda” (ignoring the fact that Pandaren, Chen Stormtout specifically have existed in Warcraft since WC3, where he helped Rexxar with founding origmmar, that is confirmed in vanilla WoW quests in Chens Empty Keg and so a Pandaren Monk Brewmaster in Warcraft 6 years before Kung Fu Panda)

Vulpera are the first that doesn’t have a common fallback like those, and so the haters latch on to it more.


Like Catfolks or More Savage like Werewolves for Night Elves?

Interesting development on the refugies.

Are Worgen finally going to get Gilneas back (And not have it retconned that they did) or are they going to get another tree in the corner?


I have a feeling they’ll all be moving over to the new world tree, which hey, gives us a shot at letting worgens talk and hang around Goldrinn for a bit before we retake Gilneas finally like they said we would see in game at some point.

The world tree was their home for a good bit at one point, so wouldn’t be surprising if they go with the night elves and help them settle in as thanks for letting em crash at their place, and vice versa once Gilneas gets taken back.
In the end, some will choose to stay, and some will go back to Gilneas.


I have literally never seen a werewolf without a tail.

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It would be neat if he moved there with them as unlikely as that would be.

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So people don’t forget about this thread. Give worgen tails.


Don’t really see why anyone would be opposed to this. If they don’t, don’t use it. Give people the option.


exactly there’s no reason to not give worgen an optional tail. Sadly we’ve been getting trolls and people who whine like children saying that because they don’t want it it shouldn’t happen and… yeah those people are a odd bunch for sure. A few tried saying it violates lore but… it really doesn’t and if it did the lore can be easily retconned like with how void elves don’t have to be tinged void colors and can look like high elves despite being infused with void magic


I really don’t understand why they’re against it, there’s so much illogic in character creation that traditions were destroyed a long time ago. If these people don’t want to put on tails, then they shouldn’t put them on at all. Worgen have so few customization options. They really need to add more choices…


Im still very interested in having a tail on my worgen, hopefully I dont die of old age before I see it happen


It’s 2023 and worgen still don’t have tails.

Fix this.


I love how the tail bounces when running wild, I would ask for fluffiness options though. I’d like a more fluffy option, but would settle for that one.
Give worgen optional tails!


Give worgens options for their optional tails! Scruffy tail, fluffy tail, mangy tail, short tail, long tail, thick tail, and yes, for you non tail purists out there, no tail option!
Everyone is happy.


This reminded me about the song “Hair” by the Cowsills. Ironic.

But yeah, many types of tails are a must.

i thought had tails