Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

We will not let em

Depictions of the werewolf are many and varied, with each culture having its own version and vision of the werewolf.
Personally, I think adding a tail to a worgen is more of an aesthetic issue, a bit like having a dog with or without a tail.
Some people will find it beautiful, others will not. I think a worgen has the right to have an optional tail for people who find the aesthetics of their character without one unattractive.

He will have no reason or answer that is more relevant than another, just a personal vision of his character, with a standard of beauty that is all his own.

So, give worgen tails !


Sounds like someone got ganked by a furry.


Kinda feel like optional tails should be a thing alongside separating scars from fur colors and replicating scars to our human bodies.


Claws fighting even if it’s also charged with the light would be awesome for sure


September 20, 2023

It’s been 12 years, 8 months and 20 days.

Our requests to the Blizzard overlords for Worgen tails continue to fall on deaf ears. We do not know if they shall ever answer our pleas
 morale is low along with our rations.

Many think we will not survive the winter, but we cannot give up. We must carry on and continue our pleading. Perhaps if the Blizzard overlords will not hear us, then the Activision gods will have pity on us and grant our request?

We continue to hope, but with supplies so low we do not know how much longer this can last


The fight will never end as long as there’s one person left standing to keep asking.

Give worgen tails


Idk about moral being low
 only the rations for the gnomes are low though. We’re all fine over here, more than ready to keep up the good fight of asking for optional tails for our worgen. Totally didn’t collect a bunch of the rations from the BE thread
 lol. Here’s hoping Blizzard won’t keep denying us forever, we’ll get those tails eventually

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Don’t know what you mean, I woke up on exiles reach as a feral worgen but for some reason my character is glitching and their tail isn’t showing

(I make my character lore, not the devs
 demon dranaei are forgiven and among velen’s people, the lore means nothing anymore)

Plus we all know just like the war on flight, the tail thing is just another one of stubborn (ion has cost us)'s man baby rage wars, he doesn’t want to give worgen tails because"don’t wanna!" And that’s that. Maybe it’ll change once Microsoft fires the petulant child calling the shots at the cosb y clubhouse

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fair enough honestly as the only one of my worgen than went through Gilneas was my worgen rogue, my worgen lock was a race change and the monk did exile’s so
 only one of them that got bit was my outlaw worgen rogue. I still say my worgen lock and worgen rogue are sisters though but anyways I’m getting away from the topic and I apologize. Yeah hoping we get tails when the ones refusing to do so for possibly dumb reasons are not able to stop it anymore. Honestly too many elf lovers among the staff I’d say i mean
look at the game these days
they gave the BE tons of stuff they don’t need and next patch is going to be heavy on NE stuff. VE got all the stuff BE got
Nightborne are being starved for options for who knows what reason. Humans get lots of stuff, orcs
 I think there may be a clear bias going on. Once it’s cleaned up though hopefully worgen get the love they’ve been denied and the optional tails are among the flood of good things they receive


Yep, and I was raised as a DK by Arthas. My Worgen Monk and Warrior woke up on Exile’s Reach and my Worgen Warlock, Druid and Mage were the only ones bitten/scratched in Gilneas.

So, not all player Worgen were bitten/scratched to become Worgen.

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One Million Years Later
Worgens still have no tails.

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Well good luck banning Tauren, Pandarian, Vulpera, Dracthyr and Worgen from the game Elf.


This is only true in terms of game mechanics. Lore-wise however, there are only two ways to become a Worgen
three if you count the Night Elf Druid of the Pack form. You either get bitten by a Worgen, or ingest the blood of one. Though there is some debate as to whether a non-feral (i.e., player character) Worgen can still pass on the curse, Blizzard has never said they can’t.


It’s still a debate?
Unless if you think that Darius Crowley is a feral worgen, the conclusion is clear since
Well, i guess that you have to accept to play a Horde reroll to know this and i guess that there’re not many worgen players to have done it.
I did and as you can expect, i disliked to do these quests as well as not see this story from the Alliance perspective.


That will be an attractive character.

The debate was, if ‘civilized’ Worgen could, out of spite, simply bite someone to spread the curse to them, how could the Alliance citizenry ever trust them not to? As far as I know, it’s never been said that King Greymane has threatened punishment for any Worgen doing so
and he ought to.

I would be very surprised if the Alliance and Greymane have not taken steps to punish worgens who enjoy transforming the populace.
It’s also true that worgen are aware of what the curse means, and if we follow the logic of the Legacy Armor quest (burn me that thing), they don’t really seem inclined to turn humans.

I have a tail

eyes Daveycrokett speculatively

Are you offering, or bragging?

It probably doesn’t matter either way, since there are no red-furred Worgen for your tail to match.
