Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give Worgen optional tails in 10.2!
And a hidden weapon transmog so they can attack with their claws!
And Paladins!


With that atomic re-calibrator toy I actually made my paladin a worgen and the armor and animations look so cool on them so I’d also love to see worgen paladins. More so worgen paladins with the option of a tail


only if the tail is on the front

Got an idea any orcs who get the new hat become pvp flagged to Worgen players and when you kill the loot the new hat x times you get an optional tail.!

please don’t give them ideas, they’ll force us to do PvP for a tail and some folk who play orcs are not the kindest folk. They won’t just lay down and let us kill them ^^;


Now, why this drops from a crocolisk…? Unless it had it in its jaws.

Uhm…is the an example of ‘orc think’?

And claws fighting… :face_holding_back_tears:

While we’re at it, give Worgen /howls. That /roar aint quite it.


Imagine if a Worgen’s howl started out indistinguishable from a wolf and then cracked into something humanlike at the end.

Use this as a very loose example of what I mean. :laughing:

what if they transformed into sasquatches

Hey, uh, can we get tails on worgen please? The vulpera have lots of extras hanging off their wagons, we can just dye some of those and attach them

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Worgen enters the barbershop, “I need a tail!”

Barber gets wide-eyed and starts to panic but then, sees a Vulpera caravan outside, an idea pops into his tiny Goblin brain, “Sure thing pal, have a seat.”

Worgen sits in the chair and debates if he should be sitting or if he should be laying on his belly; it is a tail request after all. The goblin barber runs outside, “I’ll give you 10G for one of your tails!”

A vulpera looks shocked until he points to one of the tails hanging off the caravan, “Oh, Oh! Sure!” exclaims a relieved little fox taking his hand off his dagger. Gold is exchanged and the goblin walks back into the shop with a tail in hand, the worgen apparently decided to flop onto his belly in the meantime.

The goblin stops walking and starts looking at the top of the worgen’s backside, “Now… how in the cataclysm am I supposed to do this?” He ponders a moment and then he has another idea.

Moments later a howl of pain and surprise is heard outside the barbershop and a goblin can be seen running out, a bloody claw mark across his cheek.

… and this children is the story of how a worgen got his tail.


This story reminds of this video. Captain Grim nailed the horrors of being a barber.

If they can turn a bear in to a hulking warbear beast looking thing, they can surely put a tail on a worgen!


I saw some cut hairstyles in the early version of worgens. I wonder if we might finally see some of them return?

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I truly hope so pal

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yeah especially now that barbers can change one’s gender too, just goes to show the player character only thinks the prices are crazy but in reality the visit is cheap you’re just tipping your barber to help them cope lol. You’re right though if they can change a bear into a werebear or a sea lion into a dolphin they can give a worgen a tail.

Not 100% on this but I always figured the tails hanging off the vulpera wagons were like in memory of fallen family or whatever. Although the idea of missing your tail in the afterlife would make mine come back to reclaim them XD


the barber shop is 100% free though

One day Blizzard will realize millions of Warcraft Worgen gamers have left because of no tails :wolf:

One day we will get an optional tail.

If Blizzard ever remembers us that is.

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