Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

That is some finely rendered fur physics.

Here’s hoping there’s some news and that it’s not just yet another fur texture(s) with baked in scars.

I see what you did there.

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yeah and here’s hoping it’s not Blizz giving worgen the finger again like they seem to love doing. Hoping for optional tails and more options for worgen’s worgen form, the human form getting nothing. Would be kinda cool if we bump into Goldrinn in the Emerald Dream as he’s been hanging by the portals, maybe he says he’s been watching the worgen and has become fond of them and he wishes to grant them his blessing. I mean highmountain tauren got cenarius’s blessing and that’s why they got antlers so maybe Goldrinn grants the worgen his blessing and they get more wolf like qualities like optional tails, true black fur, and lore correct size. Then Goldrinn making a den for himself in Gilneas as the Alliance moves in, puts the land back together better than ever, Calia having the forsaken alchemists remove the blight as a motion of peace between Horde and Alliance even?


Please give us optional tails for worgen!

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They also won’t fix /mountspecial having no audio for Running Wild, female Undead toes for the Fresh and Mottled Skin Type options (literally been a bug since the start of Shadowlands), or Undead toes literally disappearing when wearing certain boots.

I decided to make a macro to play the Worgen /mountspecial audio with the /mountspecial emote since it doesn’t look like the bug is ever getting fixed.


Worgens needs scars, Sharp Claws, and Fangs that’s what they need.


I only used running wild in shadowlands to mount in the maw, so I never knew mountspecial stopped having audio. But I’m doing my part


they have all these they just need to not be bound to fur colors for the most part. What they need most is optional tails and to be able to have new hair styles and hair color not bound to the fur color. There is a lot of things they could use but without a tail their posture looks awkward as if they’re meant to have a tail but it’s not there


Tails soon.

Do you have any new info or is this a hopeful statement/demand?

My hopes are worgens getting stuff with the emerald dream patch, since worgens are heavily tied to it in terms of lore. If not, then we’ll have to wait till 11.0…


A .5 or .7 patch can add things too so there are plenty of chances this Xpac.

Hopeful statement.

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yeah if not 10.2 then there is always the chance in a 10.2.5 or 10.2.7 but if they don’t make it happen or force us to wait till 11.0 I won’t be too happy with Blizz. There is also the chance we may see a 10.3 patch as even if we deal with Fyrakk i 10.2 and if his icy sister betrays him we still got the chance we’ll see what Iridikron is doing with what he stole from Galakrond. What I’m hoping for though is worgen getting optional tails and more love to their worgen forms and not their human self…and paladins being made a thing for everyone as I’d love a worgen or vulpera paladin at this point.


Tails are irrelevant. Worgen don’t have tails and a lot of werewolf depictions don’t have them either.

I’d rather them have an upright posture.

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That’s the thing thought, giving worgen tails opens up the door to stuff like upright postures and actual hair style options. Giving em this option brings in to the table a lot of other long requested features players want like bearded trolls, skinny kul tirans and such.

Also there’s a ton of werewolves depicted with tails. It’s why we want it to be option, so you can have tailed and non tailed worgens just like you have tailed and non tailed werewolves in media. :smiley:


A lot of Werewolf depictions only walk on four legs, with quite a hunch. Quite a few are completely hairless. We can keep going if you like.


I truly hope we will see some of those model improved as customizations and updated textures for worgen along with tails.

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Hence the reason we want it to be optional you keep the Monkey Butt we get a tail. Both sides win.


Well seems we are indeed going to the Emerald Dream next patch, here’s hoping we see worgen getting optional tails and more love overall.


This should be the thread.

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