Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Any customization would be nice to be honest. Tails, upright options for males, more fur colors, more hair styles, A LORE CORRECT SIZE. You know the stuff we have been asking for years for. But hey so few were playing Worgen due to the old abomination of a model they are fine to utterly ignore the race. Wrong Blizzard we have a very strong fan base and will be requesting love till the day WoW dies. Give in its better this way. And you will make your customers happy.


like short tails or longer tails???

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I was just making a new rogue today
 a panda rogue
 with a sweet long tail. And then I was sad it couldn’t be a worgen rogue with a sweet long tail. Worgen need tails.



I don’t play Worgen but here to offer my support comrades


Give worgen tails.


Once more suggesting worgen get tails.

And the paladin class please because it would be so cool Blizzard come on.


I really hope to see the worgen tails soon

Why can’t we have such a simple request ? :frowning:
Give worgen tails Blizzard !

Sadly it is because Worgen are the hunters of races.

Bill Gates will save us all and offer Worgen tails when he reins supreme. Mark my words, Worgen tails next expac.
I have spoken.


Good to see this thread still lives on. We will never give up. woo


Give Worgen Tails!


I bug reported it on the forums and on ptr. ptr now release candidate build and still bugged.

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Male Pandaren tails for all Worgen! AWUUUU !
:wolf: :panda_face:

Give worgen tails.

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gib worgen schwÀnze :wolf:

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was wondering when that would be linked again. I recall sharing that a while back and it did numbers. Just a real good idea of how nice tails for worgen could look

10.2 is gonna be getting announced this week, well it has to if it’s gonna follow the time frame 10.1 got announced, which was the week before 10.0.7 released, along side a PTR the same week. Please give worgens something Blizzard. Worgens have a deep connection with the emerald dream, and let’s not forget the original worgens that are all locked up in there for thousands of years. Who knows, maybe they evolved to the point that they have a tail now!

A wolf can dream.


wouldn’t they be closer to the pack form and have had a tail? Either way here’s hoping Worgen finally get some love and their optional tails. If it’s nothing but more elf crap I’m going to be rather annoyed with Blizz


That’s definitely true. I always figured there has to be some variant of a worgen out there that’s a combination of the original pact form and the worgen form we know now. Hearthstone tends to always tease us with tailed worgens like they usually tease us with key visual arts for future wow stuff, so who knows. Maybe those tailed worgens are in the emerald dream.