Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Climbs on Caelus, sleeps on his head and starts purring

what if they had 3 tails and they spun in a circle and could let them fly

Studies show only two are needed for this

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Emerald Hill Zone intensifies

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That would only work for Vulpera, Worgen need more lift.


well that and he’s talking of Tails when he speaks of tails allowing flight and he’s a fox. So multiple tails for vulpera yeah totally reasonable but we worgen would still love at least the one optional tail with multiple customizations for the style of the tail. Funny thing is if you look up pictures of female werewolves most show them with a tail so…yeah no Blizz is just lazy getting to catching up with that trend and letting us worgen get our optional tail and straight backs for the men

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It has been over three years since this thread was started, and we’ve been asking for the option for longer than that. At this point…with no actions or reactions other than in- and out-of-game jokes…it’s starting to look like the decision maker(s) are simply being vindictive. Almost as if their ‘agenda’ is to keep putting off adding a tail option, or even publicly responding, as long as we keep daring to ask for it.

“If they won’t shut up about it, they ain’t getting diddly!”

It’s become rather obvious they don’t want to do it, but also realize there could be a costly backlash from such a poor decision…so actually telling us this? It’s the last thing they want to do.


I know, I was playing along with that.

Even the early pictures of Female Worgen show tails.

Took them forever to add new Worgen models after almost everyone else got theirs as well.

Heck, all other races are still waiting for scars not tied to faces, scars in general, and simple hairstyles/colors.

It’s taking them forever just to add basics.

I would not be surprised if some of them are throwing some kind of spite.

Well they added the bones for animating it, so they at least started at some point. No idea why they would stop.

Either that are they did it so they could make NPC animal races easier in the future since they use that model so much for it.

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maybe they have a tail but it is just super short?

Give worgen tails :smiley:


One thing I thought of but would take too much work, but would be cool, is to give different tail options. You can have your no tail, short tail, stubby tail, whispy tail, ect.
Would give worgens a more distinct look from one another if they add in just the tail option before anything else, as supposed to now where they all mostly look the same even with the new fur color options.


Nothing ever changes, right? I feel so sorry for you guys that you still have to fight for a simple tail option. You should have gotten your requested feature(s) with the last Worgen rework.

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yeah it really is something that everytime they say they’re giving worgen new stuff it’s just fur colors or stuff for the worthless human form. We should of had optional tails years ago but nope. Instead of giving us more options they tie a bunch of stuff that could of been options to a fur color. They cut corners way to much involving worgen but here’s hoping they’ll knock it off and it won’t take us 10 years like it did for us to get a better model compared to the Cata model they gave us

War. War never changes. And this is a war of wills. We Worgen are going to fight till we win and have an optional tail.

How has this not at least got a BLUE reply yet…

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They answered in the game by mocking the Worgen-player with a Drac’thyr notion regarding their tails.

Inferior paying customer (= Alliance), they laugh about them.

Sounds about right…

This is only conjecture, but it’s likely they don’t intend to implement our request any time soon…if ever…and to publicly respond here on the forums is tantamount to making an official statement about it.

In other words, no real harm to their reputation (or income) would occur if they came here to say we would be getting tail options soon®…but to actually announce they planned not to would be disastrous. There would likely be a great deal of negative fallout, both for being parsimonious, and for waiting so long to tell us. People would walk, and take their money with them.

So, they haven’t…and probably won’t. I’m no longer optimistic on this issue, because they’ve given no reason to be.

Oh yes they just gave us fur colors…but not the ONLY ONE heavily requested: Solid black fur color. (we got a solid Dark blue one instead)

Come on they have no problem to add the black skin color even for the elves where it doesn’t make sense just for the sake of representation.
But adding a pure black fur, it’s an insurmountable problem? Really?

It’s like they are intentionaly irritating the worgen community.
I wish to be able to ask the artistic team why we get so much disdain.

At this point, we are the most resilient community to request new options, we are lacking in so many areas…
The High elves community that came next is now able to play this race through the Void elves customization options.

Optional tail is just the start, not the end unless they put us at the same level as the others core races.

I’m with you, there is so much you could do customization wise with something that is for all intents and purposes a werewolf that they seem afraid to change. There are many variety and species of wolf that would easily be conveyed and be explained by the Worgen curse effects each person differently so say you have 2 brothers and they both get the curse, one could have more Grey Wolf features slightly more muscular in the face and more aggressive down profile and the other brother could have red wolf like features the face more narrow and predatory. Just some thoughts sorry for the ramble coffee is kicking in.

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