Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I would say for base options.

None/Short/Medium/Long Length options.

Slim/Fluffy/Curled Shape Options.

With optional Braids, Belts/Straps, Roses and Scarves as decorations.

And maybe a Damaged/Stubbed/Mangy option or two.


I truly hope with the emerald dream stuff we are about to get there will be some stuff for worgens, hopefully not just skin color but something more unique.


Would be a good thing to hope for as if Blizz skips over such a prime moment to give worgen tails and all the love they’ve been denied then there is no saving the company from the karma they got coming for being so cruel to worgen. Zero reason they should be going out of their way almost to give worgen barely anything for years, it’s not fair to the worgen let alone the players who play worgen that Blizz be pulling this crud. just a thought…anyone else on the bandwagon of torching the new world tree if Nelfs get a boatload more stuff they don’t need and worgen get denied?

If Nelf’s get even more options they don’t need and some BS immortality come 10.2 and Worgen get shafted yet again out of something as simple as optional tails… then yeah that tree is kindling and I’d happily join the Horde in BBQing the Nelfs this time

Give worgen optional tails Blizz, not a hard thing to do.

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Still annoyed they gave us scars tied to fur color…


It could have been a option in general really. All Scars for all skin tunes.

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Same goes for face options. I like the new face a lot that came out for the recent fur pattern, but that’s the issue… the face pattern is only exclusive to the new fur color. So I can’t have my usual black hair and solid gray fur like I always have and use the face. You can’t even change face pattern when you pick the new fur color either. So you’re stuck with this one face. Don’t get me started on hair color being tied to the fur color either.

Actually, checking the new furs they gave us now, turns out none of the new furs you can change face options on em. So Blizzard went COMPLETELY lazy mode with em and instead of putting in the extra bit of effort to actually let you change faces on it, they just give you a fur pattern that you can’t change the face on at all.

Hopefully Blizzard removes hair/face/scar being tied to the fur option, along with giving us tails.


Here’s hoping they do that yeah, along with knocking off all the BS they’re pulling by not having already made it so you can change the hair style and color separate from the fur and face alongside different faces with different furs. The scars for sure should of been an option not forcibly tied to fur colors. They’ll let everyone else select each piece by itself, even our human forms but then they pull this crap with worgen… just not right. If one or more of their team is behind this lack of options they need to have the book thrown at them. Especially since they haven’t given us optional tails yet and that may be one of the easier things to do

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IDK how many times ive posted the same respone to this thread (maybe enough to get called on for spamming)

Yes give them the waggly ends


All of them do. This is something on your end.

edit: i have found the issue, and it literally just doesn’t work for death knight LOL
small indie company


It’s really weird that they tie scars to specific faces/fur/skin colors.

It would be a great idea to add a bunch of them.


IMO the scars don’t look particularly great due to the fact that they wind up completely symmetrical. They’re fine if you want a ritual scars look similar to some of the Orc clans, but they otherwise don’t look natural.

Yeah… Thats one of their problems.

That they’re not separate from the skintone and faces is a major mistake.

Blizzard needs to go back over Worgen and separate the scars, separate the pattern into its own selection and make the fur colors a full body option where the pattern and scars are overlayed on top.

And why… why are faces messed up with it? wth!


Also Give Worgen Optional Tails.


You mean doing more than the below minimal work that they have done for us since between the 8.2.5 and now?

Unless there’s a change in Blizzard staff, i don’t think we can expect more from them.
They can’t even give us a solid black fur.

Give worgen a tail option.


I was super hyped up in Wrath when I first saw this:

I feel as though some of the changes they made in the original models idk made them… idk not good? Like imagine the alpha models for worgens with an HD glow up… that would have looked amazing.


I was thinking the same thing those days. Then I was so excited about this model… And the moment I saw the new model I was pretty crazy, is that a joke? All people back then were so impressed with this model, a year ago I realized that there were people complaining about this model, but Blizz never gave us the opportunity to choose, it makes me sick more than anything else… The alpha model can only work with the option of muzzle, tooth, ear and hairstyle.


I had wanted to use that freckle face, the one with the dark whiskers on this body, but the face changed with the fur. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I ended up using the lighter tan to get a similar look, but I wish the faces wouldn’t change with the fur colour.

They only do that for death knight. Not entirely sure why, but there’s no way it’s intended.

Right? Customization is already so limited. :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Give optional tails to worgen plz!

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