Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give Worgen Optional Tails!

Give Worgen males Optional Posture!

Give Worgen more options for the core look rather than more human form stuff.

Just show some love to Worgen after all this time.


This is incredibly cute :heart:

Just some of my emotes of my character Asheru Swiftwind I use on Twitch.

Everyone is based off this original image of my character:

Just image what Blizzard could do with Worgen if we had more options if so many looks came from a single Image.


Worgen with tails are happy Worgen.

Worgen without tails can also be happy Worgen.

Worgen with tail options are the happiest Worgen.

Give Worgen Tails.


Hereā€™s hoping they give worgen optional tails some day soon, the fact they donā€™t is just so dumb. The bones are there all it needs is a model so what reason besides being lazy or hating on the worgen is there for not making it happen already?

On another note the blood troll stuff looks nice on panda, will need to see how it looks on worgen.


Only if trolls can have a shoe option

Some shoes actually do cover troll feet soā€¦ thatā€™s an issue you just need to find the right shoes for where as worgen getting tails needs to be an option in their character customization

Burns Teldrassil

I should not have to look at nasty troll toes on the dailyā€¦

Thatā€™s nice back to the topic at hand and stop trying to derail our post.
#Give Worgen Optional Tails


For those that say clipping would be a issue for tails (Which it wouldnā€™t from what Iā€™ve seen), look at literally any race, and you will see clipping issues.

Funnily enough literally every race that has a tail or tail option, even the new long tailed draenei never has clipping issues with said tails. Tails cause no issues confirmed.



Wait Cow what happened to the hat? Donā€™t make me take back all my likes.

#Give Worgen optional tails!
#Whereā€™s Cowā€™s Hat?

I can assure you the hat is perfectly safe and back ontop of my head

Also thereā€™s another example of clipping. No idea why people say tails would never work when hair is still a major issue for literally every single race. xD


Reiterating my support for more Worgen form customization options, including optional tails.

Arguing that Worgen tails would have clipping issues is silly. I have Tauren, Draenei and Vulpera charactersā€¦they ALL have clipping issues with their tails. If thereā€™s a weapon on their backs, thereā€™s gonna be clipping with the tail.


Ironically, if worgen had more hair options, hats would be less of an issue.


It is quite the fine hat for sure.



did you want 2 or 3 tails

Iā€™d settle for one tail, any more than one tail would seem silly, but many different designs and styles for it would always be welcome. Please Blizz give us optional tails already


Donā€™t be silly. Wolves and Wargs / Worgs donā€™t have multiple tailsā€¦fox spirits (Kitsune) do.

Almost forgot:



Maybe after the Microsoft sale? snerk