Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Personally I think the Visage form looks odd without wings. I always use the new cloak wing look. I also base my Dracthyr’s color off those wings.

Honestly, something like a half form for dracthyrs and worgens would look awesome. Why settle with just worgen/dracthyr and their humanoid forms when you can have something in between, like a actual hybrid form. Can have your ears tails claws and such while in human form, wings claws and talons for dracthyrs and such. Would be a ton of work, but hey, look at the amount of work they put in to the dracthyr form alone.


Fantastic idea!

I’d be surprised but delighted if the worgen form became a visage option for dracthyr as then we’d get wolves with dragon traits and you’d flip between worgen or dragon and cut out the human form entirely. That and…possible chance to guarantee getting a tail…although it’d be bitter sweet to roll a female dracthyr, have the worgen visage and still have that joke they say at the worgen’s expense

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Letting us use Worgen eyes in Human form would be a good start.


even if the human form is pointless as it can only be used for RP purposes? I’d say a good start would be optional tails for worgen and more options for their worgen form rather than the human as the human has two pages of options where as worgen got only like what 5-6 options. Rather sad seeing that they had a bunch of hair styles for worgen and such before they dropped that bad model worgen players were stuck with for years. I mean come on instead of more fur color options how about more hair styles, being able to change worgen form hair color separate from fur color, more options for the heterochromia option as it’s rather sad Bauldur’s gate 3 has more options for that than WoW


I was referring to the options Cow mentioned. Adding Worgen features to Human form.


the character creation for bauldur’s gate 3 has more options for heterochromia eyes than WoW does. I mean a ton more than we even got eye colors normally. Like you can do one eye purple the other pink…or olive green or I think silver…it’s nuts really. Like seven rows of options for the eye colors compared to WoW where it’s so limited unless both eyes are the same color.

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Yeah I know, I just don’t see how that’s “sad”
I think its good on Larian for all the effort they put in, not “sad” that blizzard didn’t match it.


because Blizz is so lazy they give us so little options for such things, it’s sad because you start to realize that if blizz put in the time and money and effort we could have some truly wild looking characters but they don’t. That it stands as proof they cut corners wherever they can and that may be why they’re taking so long to give us worgen something as simple as an optional tail


corner cutting is a staple of the AAA industry

When it comes to Blizzards color options, it’s not even a case of corner cutting, it’s a issue of them not moving on with the times and still using individual texture files for every single color option instead of color wheel like most modern games.

They could do what baldur’s gate did and have a ton of color options to choose from so there isn’t a need for a color wheel, but that would require having to color shift every single eye and make it in to it’s own individual file for WoW. Honestly, I would 100% sign up and do the job myself if I could. :frowning:


would you also slip in optional tails for worgen?

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I would 200% make adding worgen tails priority number one


Give worgen tails

I haven’t seen this thread in awhile. I probebly replied somewhere up there years ago.

My worgan are still without tails.

Give worgan tails!!!


Welcome back to the cause.



give worgen tails

Just to reiterate my desires for Worgen to have a bunch of customization options but mostly…

