Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give worgen tails


Give Worgen tails.


Give worgen tails


Right?! was trying to read and understand what he was even talking about and then I realized about a couple of paragraphs in it had nothing to Do with this i gave up lol.

Given Worgen at least two tails. :sunglasses:

Next you’ll be wanting a 9 tail vulpera option

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9 tail options for both would be pretty great.


Sounds like a pain to animate.

Optional nine tails for vulpera sounds nice but worgen need their one first.


yeah big hint at the guy being a troll is rambling about nonsense just to get people upset or yell at him. Best to let him starve and disappear. The thread is for asking for worgen to finally get some love and attention they need that they’ve been denied in way of customizations as they’ve got less than even female pandas atm. More fur colors is not giving them more options, the scars should of been a separate option not bound to a fur color


I really enjoy when people pull the “muh lore” argument as if lore cannot be changed or evolve over its lifetime. I would honestly love to see them develop worgen lore further.

I don’t think it would be too hard to adapt a lore reason around tails. The original pack form did have a tail. It was a fully quadruped wolf. It’s supposedly with intervention of the scythe of elune and Goldrinn’s rejection of it that resulted in the curse.

The solution could be as simple as giving Goldrinn some character growth. Then having a group of Gilneans who fully embrace what it means to be worgen. They could gain Goldrinn’s favour and become more wolf-like. Ta-da! A reason to introduce not only tails, but also more customization options.

There are so many ways they could take the current lore and evolve it. Especially given how Gilneans are unlike any other worgen. They already defied the odds by gaining their sentience back and mastering their ferocity to a degree. Something that had never been achieved by previously afflicted worgen. So, blizzard could simply push further in that direction.

Goldrinn chose Wrynn as his champion for his ferocity, but also his ability to conquer that bloodlust and uphold his beliefs and protect his people. Something he was never able to do himself. After Wrynn died, he retreated to reflect. Maybe after that reflection, he could look to the worgen and see something worth protecting. Something worth conquering his bloodlust for. He has a reason to keep the gilneans on his mind because in BFA, he met with Tess Greymane. Something more could come of that story if blizzard chooses.

I don’t see why the current lore needs to remain stagnant. Wow is an ever evolving story and game.

P.S I’m no expert on lore, nor am I a writer. I just love worgen, a lot. So I’m sure there’s people who could come up with a more well written reason than I can. :slight_smile:



I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, apart from the fact that tails are currently absent from Worgen, there is no lore reason why the are incapable of having them as an option. They change nothing about current Worgen characters that we know wouldn’t have one, such as Genn and merely add more to the race. Its the same situation as Orcs getting straight backs as an option.

While it would be cool to get a lore reason for them to be added it is not really necessary, and not something I would see Blizz doing given there recent additions.

Anyone trying to use that argument can never give a specific instance where it is contradicting to add them and always turns to “it goes against what I believe Worgen are, so no one should get them”.


Lore matters. It’s the reason Worgen exist, it’s the reason Gilneas exists, it’s of the World of Warcraft both fundament and firmament, and to treat it as entirely mutable is an abject disservice to anybody in history past, present and future who has ever put pen to page trying to write a cohesive story set in a believable world.

This doesn’t mean new things cannot be written of it, nor that there cannot to certain things therein be exceptions, nor even that the nature of fundamental aspects of it cannot change. But it does mean that such monumental shifts should be given ample time to be built up and explained.

But here that doesn’t really apply, because there’s no actual lore reason they shouldn’t or can’t have tails apart from people being model purists.
And model purists don’t have an argument against the various instances where Worgen were shown in some cases to have tails.

Yes you are, you just wrote a whole bunch of stuff.
If you think yourself unworthy to claim the title you should spend some time reading fanfiction.


I just would like to point out that back when wow first released, there was a book that mentioned there being 5 old gods. Fast forward later on, Blizzard says there are only 4.

 flash forward to today. They are now going back to implying theres a 5th old good, to the point they brought back the old book from vanilla wow that mentioned 5 old gods both in this patch and in 10.0.7.

If they can go back and forth on the fly like that with their lore. Theres no reason they cant do the same for say, Genn having a tail in before the storm. I like the tailess Genn we have now, but if you give him a tail, thats not as game changing as writing out the fact we had a 5th old god and then doing a 180 on it.

I hope if they do implement it thought, that they do something with the emerald dream next patch and have us meet up with Goldrinn again and this time give worgens a blessing so they can get a tail if they so choose. Cause if you remember, last time we saw him, he was just chilling infront of the emerald dream portal in duskwoods. Whos to say we wont see him again next patch?

Give worgens optional tails. Do it!

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While you are right its not “game changing”, I think its a very different circumstance to say whether or not there is a 5th old god and changing the appearance of a prominent character that has been in several pieces of promotional material as well as a high budget CGI trailer.

If they went as far as to correct Golden on her mistake and reprint it out, then that shows that they at least care somewhat about continuity in there characters and again, just seems unnecessary to do. If there is a reason for it sure, but for what real purpose would it serve to do that specifically to Genn? I just don’t think people should be advocating for that type of flip flop world building approach.

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Can =/= Should
They can retcon anything they want, but they shouldn’t because it’s terrible for the story. If everything is mutable then nothing matters because anything can just be changed on a whim for any reason. That absence of firmity is to investment and stakes deleterious, which is ideally something one writing a story would not want to see crumble.

This doesn’t apply to tails, though, as earlier mentioned.

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Shadowland, an expansion that retconned / destroyed even Warcraft III lore with a single NPC: Zovaal.

And Copeland made it clear years ago that they don’t care about consistency and will write whatever they want regardless of the past.
De facto, everything is mutable.

I don’t like it either but this what we have as a writing team: People abusing retcons if the past prevent them to tell the (awful) story they want to tell.

We have Lightforged warlock and soon playable Man’ari against all reasons, so if they can change the lore for this, they can change it for the worgens.

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Tails were in concept art AKA before the lore
 Give us optional tails! Win win. Come at me bro!


Thats the thing tho, nothing needs to be changed lorewise for Worgen to get tails.
Its the same thing as Orcs being able to suddenly stand up straight, nothing in the overall story or continuity changes from it.

The thought of “its already broken so break it further” is really not necessary for an option such as this.


Exactly! The importance of Worgen tails to lore is virtually non-existent. No part of Azeroth’s history would be altered in the slightest if they just appeared.

As also has been noted so many times in this thread, it doesn’t even need to come to that. Tail options could so very easily be added as NEW lore, by introducing a quest that leads to the option.