Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I am still waiting for Worgen to have a tail option


Yeah, it really is time to go. It’s sad that our Dev team is so limited in ability and creativity that they have to resort to these pitiful gimmicks. Although we should have seen with the BfA expansion. Once we fought the Legion. With BfA we were helping newborn turtles to the water and questing for a stupid metal, which, for all its hype, did nothing but power up a necklace.

It’s a shame that Ion’s legacy will be as the Lead Dev who buried WoW.

Oh honey, I won’t mind if you use them. You’re leaving anyways a ban won’t faze you.

And with your generous help it will remain there. Enjoy the bump you gave us!

Never understand anyone against an optional option… lol

Hey if you’re so delicate that classes to every race shakes you to the core then who am I to stop you from leaving?

So you believe druids will be next?

When do you see Shaman, Paladin and Demon Hunter going through you think?

(I personally think there is a good 50/50 on Pally or druid next.)

I don’t know about that. We literally got technically a brand new role added to the game literally just a few weeks ago with Augmentation evokers and even mentioned how if evokers go great, we can see more support roles added to the game such as the long awaited bard class people always request for. If anything they’ve been going all out in terms of creativity while at the same time dusting off the old and bringing in a new shine to it such as more class race combos, bringing back old removed dungeons and gear, and in general updating the old world in a new way.

Hey now, it wasn’t just any stupid metal… it was THE stupid metal that we were forced to farm up in order to even have power in the first place! Luckily they got rid of the whole bowered power stuff and went back to the classic farm out your own gear and call it a day mentality. I hope we never go back to the shadowlands/bfa way of things. So far Dragonflight has been shaping up to be really great.

I definitely believe that since next patch is a emerald dream patch, and what better chance to show off all druid/race combo than the emerald dream patch. Paladins are definitely next right after seeing as they’ve been reworking em, starting with ret and then holy this recent patch. Shaman right after, especially since believe it or not, a lot of the totems are actually done, then finally demon hunters since that one is gonna be the hardest ones since literally every single race aside from elves need to be worked on for that.

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I have yet to see a valid argument against adding tails as an option for worgen. Would be nice to see it in a developer preview!

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Support for OP. How long Blizz? Look at my beutiful tail! Don’t mind sharing the awesomeness.

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This is why there needs to be an auto-lock function for threads that passed a certain amount of time since the last post.

Name checks out.

Give Worgen Tails.


Hun bun, honey boo, if you weren’t just a troll making waves for no reason and I had any inkling you actually cared one wit about me using the word “honey” I’d still not be shaking in my little converse sneakers over here.




In fairness it is undeniably wiping dirty crack with the lore to do it without some form of explanation or justification, save for some that should already exist like Worgen Paladins.

Per their own writing Shadow and Light are opposing cosmological forces, so a Void Elf Paladin would just keel over dead or explode the moment they let the Light in.
It’d be like a Mage learning how to cast Icebound Fortitude or Pillar of Frost, and accidentally flash-freezing themselves dead because they’re not a Death Knight that is, to my knowledge, in-part comprised of raw frost magic.
As for why they can be Priests all the justification I need is that Shadow exists. The same as applied to Undead Priests back in the day, who were by and large adherents to the Church of the Forgotten Shadow or some such.

And which is why I argue in favor of class skins, perhaps tied to such quests as would explain the new addition of a class to the rosters of the various races it would seem in conflict with.
But this is a discussion for another thread, so I’ll leave it at that.

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They should have some lore beats for all of it relating to the culture of each race. Beyond that there are no bars.

That said a few class skins would be neat regardless and really help sell it.

Thats not actually true at all.

By their own lore when Light and Void were all there was they reacted negatively and boomed.

Since then we’ve seen Light and Void work in small regular doses just fine. Over the years your magics alone and your channeling alone has used both regardless of race or class.

Disc priests literally stabilize light and void use all the time.

Even with Alleria and her husband they only experienced discomfort when she was actively infused with significant void energies. They didn’t explode either…

Truth of the matter with void elves is that like with the Forsaken it will just be painful and honestly I can think of plenty of faiths that use their pain as a demonstration of that faith.

ALL that said… I want a void class skin for paladins for void elves…

Its shadowfrost actually. Its death infused frost magic and according to the Lore there isn’t actually anything stopping a mage from doing so.

Mages often become necromancers for instance.

The Cult is actually mostly comprised of Disc priests. It was founded by a priest who literally made disc spec.

She would later delve deeper though and I believe she was a shadow priest by the time we refree her in Legion. (She should have been forsaken…)

Class skins are not needed, nothing in the lore has yet actually been a bar to a race being a class, however they would be wonderful things to have to increase the flavor of the cultures of those races and to make it more mainstream among them.

Warlocks are all fine and dandy for a LFD but a class skin where they use Light denizens instead would be far more easy to play with culturally. lol

I’m going to contain myself to this one reply, because this one line I read was so starkly incorrect.

This is just false.
They’re literally opposed to each other on the most up to date cosmological chart available to us.
They were also opposed to each other on the earlier iteration of the cosmological chart.
They occupy opposing positions on the chart, have occupied opposing positions traditionally, ergo are oppositional.
If another chart arises that might change, but not until then.

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A void elf wont keel over dead if they use the Light anymore than a Mage would if they became a warlock. Though they would likely have a similar effect to that of the Forsaken feeling pain which has been the only effect we’ve seen from any void elf so far interacting with the Light.

You’re incorrect about your assessment.

If that were the case Disc Priests wouldn’t work at all.

Now that’s interesting. I assumed they haven’t wanted to add a tail for animation reasons rather than lore. Now? Just do it as a panda-like option. Doooo ittttttttttt.


Let the tongue in cheek happen.

yet we got void elf priests who go holy and discipline but don’t explode. I kinda hope void elf paladins are something special like instead of wielding the light they wield void versions of the spells but that’s asking too much most likely. What’s not asking too much though is for worgen to get optional tails because that would be quite wonderful to see

Nope…motion denied, this thread isn’t breaking any rules and is quite active so there’s no need to lock it. Have a nice day trolling someone else… oh and worgen deserve optional tails and maybe blue fur like we panda got with optional tails thrown in


This is what I’m saying. Class skins that would make it make sense.
Have some thing for PvP to keep them consistent on player’s screens if necessary, but for the sake of continuity and consistency have them.

Also because apparently most of the work has already been done.
Like getting half-way through making a pie then leaving it unfinished in the freezer for a decade.


probably wouldn’t want to eat that pie… may be questionable so here’s hoping when we do eventually get optional tails they’re not half baked

You mean like Breton Language or Lycan Language?