Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

The fabled Worgen Patch.

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I would like to have a tail.


Insert 1 optional tail here.


It’s their only post, so they mean it.


Well the did say that Gilneas is going to be retaken so im hoping when that happens that they will add in a quest line to be able to get you your tail if your a worgen player.
#give worgen tails


hmm retaking gilneas, maybe druids alongside shamans come in to help rebuild the land as the cataclysm made parts of Gilneas crumble. Perhaps Goldrinn takes up residence in Gilneas and the questline involves us helping him with that and being rewarded with optional tails, more options alongside that, and maybe a title involving our connection to Goldrinn like idk Son/Daughter of Goldrinn or something idk given the curse that created worgen originated from Goldrinn in some way

Danuser forgot that nearly every others materials suggested that Gilneas is already retaken.

It’s just a way to make peace with the Forsaken and once again, the worgens are not allowed to earn anything by themselves.
And yes i am salty.

Give Worgen tails!!

Right? A player with well over 20k achievement points, and their one and only post on these forums is a polite request. Sit up and take notice, Blizz…a quiet, yet dedicated player has spoken. They are always the sort that should be most heeded.

Thank you for keeping the thread bumped with fictitious tales (tails?) of persecution that will hardly ever occur, especially on a non-RP server like yours. Carry on!


I hate to burst your bubbles, but it’s easy to swap to a different character on account so you only have 1 post. They have far more than 1 post.

This is true.


I was well aware that poster might have been an alt. Thanks for invalidating a potentially helpful circumstance.

The eyepatch probably makes it hard to get the full picture, but look on the bright side.
20k is still the mark of one who’s played a fair whack of The Game.

Uh, I didn’t bump this thread. Go back and look at the time stamp of my reply. Then look at the time stamp of the reply directly above it.

And if you think antics like this are only reserved for RP servers, you need to get off one once in a while.

And I do happen to have toons on RP servers, thanks so much.

Here’s an idea for Worgen: Let them stay in human form the same as Dracthyr, rather than spontaneously reverting to Worgen form every time they attack or are attacked.

As if them having more than 1 post somehow invalidates what they said. Do you really think blizzard cares, like well we were going to give worgen tails, but this person didn’t have 1 post so now we’re not going to


Lovely day for it.

Honey, do you know how quickly things on this forum move down the list?

You bumped it whether you like it or not. :wink:


Time for another showing of the list!

Worgen customization list
Still a work in progress.


Tail Options

  • Optional Tails, Including a No Tail Toggle, and varying appearances for said tails.

Apperance can come in two parts.
None, Short, Medium and Long sizes.
Thin, Fluffy and Curled Shapes.

  • Accessories for the tails.

Rose for the tail, little bits of jewelry for the tail. That sort of thing.

Body and Fur

  • Upright Posture.
  • Correct Eight Foot Tall Size.
  • Solid Black Fur.
  • Shaggier Fur options.
  • Optional Ears On The Top Of The Head.

Hair and Head

  • Larger more visible braids/patches/extensions for hair.
  • More hair decorations/accesories (small hats and roses for example).
  • Separate Beard options and add more beard styles.
  • Mane Color options.
  • Heterchromia Eyes for all sides and colors.
  • Blind Options for both sides and all colors.
  • More Glowing Eye options.
  • More Muzzle shapes.
  • More Natural Teeth Option (Thinking More like Genn).
  • No teeth showing muzzle option.

  • More Ear Options and Shapes.
  • Separate Scars from Faces.
  • More facial scars and damaged ear options.
  • Large body scars/bite marks/claw marks. We’re worgen… like for real.
  • Visible corresponding scars in human form!!!


  • Jewelry options for male and female.
  • Gilnean Rose for our hair.


  • Add The Melee Claw Animation.
  • A No Weapons Transmog.


All Classes are coming to All Races. No longer need to advocate. We’re getting Paladins and Shaman down the line!

Feel free to ask me to add more things.


I am not your honey. And I’d give you some pet names of my own, but they’d likely get me banned.

And it was on top when I arrived.

A reminder that we want OPTIONAL tails. If you dont want a tail, you’re free to not have one while those that do can have tails, much like how the pandaren have tail and no tail options. :smiley:



Jump the shark.

You just made my decision to discontinue my subscription ten times easier.

If the fact that all races got warlocks as a option didnt already make you see this, oh boy, are you in for it when all races get druids next patch… not that im saying its gonna happen in 10.2, i never said this. You saw nothing.

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