Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

yeah if Fyrakk doesn’t burn down the tree and NE don’t get their immortality back for some dumb reason. Emerald dream stuff would be nice to introduce the original worgen and perhaps get us worgen a deeper connection to Goldrinn that grants us optional tails and idk more control of our more feral appearance to allow hair styles and such. I’d happily sacrifice my human form in exchange for a ton of amazing worgen options at this point. Who knows maybe Tyrande will even do something like try to stop Fyrakk from burning down the tree and end up either dying in exchange for the tree being saved or corrupted prompting us to ‘save’ her by ending her. Lot of idea for how 10.2 could end up…and yes I do dislike Tyrande with a passion but come on she had night warrior powers that killed people in the past and she just loses said powers as they’re about to go critical and suffers no side effects at all? No damaged spirit or slowly dying…nope…she’s just magically better? Yeah no Shadowlands writing was garbage for sure if that is honestly true

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That’s more the writers genuinely not knowing what to do with their own story.

Freaken Shadowlands…

Is there a reason that Night Elves should be innately immortal?

that’s just it…they have no reason to be immortal at all, when the legion destroyed nordrassil the NE lost their immortality I’m just hoping Blizz doesn’t do something stupid and go “Hey here’s a new world tree and here you go our favorite children your immortality is back” … as if they do so I’m quitting as that’s massive BS on top of the BS they threw us in Shadowlands involving Tyrande not suffering some side effect from invoking the night warrior and living. What I am hoping happens is worgen get optional tails and lots of much needed cosmetic things and night elves only get their heritage armor and tattoos and nothing more. Also…kinda hoping Tyrande dies… but yeah everyone here knows I dislike her by this point

I never liked Tyrande.

WC3 SpoilersShe eavesdrops on Humans and Orcs conversation about demons and to be on guard, and she insists on making war with them. Then goes "Oh crap there's demons in the very next mission.

Truthfully I’ve never liked her either and this is coming from someone who’s first character ever in WoW was a NE. I got to their capital and is all “wow…yeah no I’m not working for her” and never played them since. After that I played undead till BC then Blood elves and other horde races…then worgen come cata…but nope never touched NE again.

All these recent waves of customizations, an already-existent rig, and an urgent, urgent need. All satisfied by one fluffy thing. A tail. Glorious, fluffy, short, slender, however you like it. A TAIL!

Give Worgen Tails.


Whats wrong with worgan racials?

I am literally covered in terrible scars under my fancy duds now.
It’s pretty great.

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I like giving all my worgen different colors

Worgen are the only core race in the game who never got revamped when everyone including Goblins did.

There are a few races who never got anything that could be called a “revamp” to their racials.

Straight and to the point.

You have my solidarity.

We call them allied races. :wink: Jokes aside Worgen are the only core race in the game who never got the racials changed back when every other core race did. That’s the only reason I bring it up. Hell the Calm the Wolf is the first racial change we have had since the Cataclysm nerfs of our racials. Don’t think we had forgotten that Dark Flight used to stack with other movement powers. Or that originally Viciousness was 1% dmg rather than 1% crit.


Here’s hoping that the big updates on customization will include worgen getting tails. Sadly I’m a tad spooked that Blizz may be run by some less than bright folk giving how I keep finding videos saying they destroyed Diablo 4 with a patch. Hoping they don’t do that to WoW let alone the worgen for whatever reason.


Nah, couldn’t be.
Just look at the size of booby’s yacht collection! That can only come from constant success.

I think the folk who’re peeved about that one patch in Diablo 4 would like to discuss that with you. Here’s hoping when microsoft gets involved we get our tails and all the stupid stunts stop… and…maybe Tyrande gets to die… I’d love seeing Tyrande getting to die…or given the chance to make it happen personally. More so hoping for worgen to get optional tails though and time walking to stop wiping the poison off my knives when I zone in or out.

I’m betting microsoft is just going to end up wearing activision as a skinsuit the same way activision wears blizzard. Just more of the same ol’ bad.

Does the same damn thing to my Sacrifice.
Have to keep my demon out or else I end up wasting time pulling it back out of the nether.
The actual health bonus doesn’t even retain itself properly in the regular game if you log back on. You have to re-sacrifice your demon to get the full effect if you’ve talented into it.

Give tails. Worgen would look better with them. Panda ladies look good with them.


Maybe they should they didnt need it? Their racials seem great already.

What are you wanting?