Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

did they say that lasted a year as it seemed like a month at most before they threw worgen in stocks and force fed them that potion

you would think after this thread has 1548 likes they would do it

Also every Player Worgen got bitten/scratched in order to become a Worgen in the first place.

So it would be a major part of our characters identity.

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right but I meant like all over scars not so much. If your body is covered with scars it means you’ve gotten into a lot of fights but two of my worgen are trained to avoid injuries and the other is a caster so i never saw it as fitting to be covered with scars

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Give worgen the option to waggle their tails. :dracthyr_nod:

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Ah, I see what you mean.

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If you count being able to dodge attacks running away then yeah sure… they’re both classes that use agility and get into close combat fights, if you can’t deflect or dodge a blade being thrust your way then well… yeah that’s not going to end well lol

I have linked this thread in my suggestions thread for customization options in 10.1.7.

Actually, I primarily wanted to create the thread for Night Elves, where they are now receiving new tattoos (and I really hope they get something that is a bit more useful, like proper faces…), but Worgen really need all the help they can get. :dracthyr_heart:


I believe cannonically it was actually 6 years.

Tails soon Blizzard! Make it happen.


It’s not like it would be hard for them to just give the tails. Please Blizzard. Give us our worgen tails and end this.


Worgen need a tail!

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Worgen still don’t have tails! Massive conspiracy and unfulfilled dreams. SAD!

Give Worgen Tails.


Come on Blizz stop giving your favorite children the night elves so much stuff and show the worgen some love already outside of just fur colors, give us optional tails for our worgen. It wouldn’t take much to do so what’s the hold up here?


One argument ive seen people throw out as a reason for blizzard not being able to add in tails in for worgens is that it’s either impossible or it requires too much work to add in a extra skeleton for the tail animation, which by the way, that tail skeleton is already in game right now as we speak on worgens, it just needs to be animated and given a tail.

But anyways, ladies and gentleman, I present to you… dragon riding gryphons! Or would it just be called riding now since theres no dragon involved?

Basically, they went out of their way to actually redo the skeleton for the gryphons, something that requires way more work than something as simple as a tail. You can definitely bet they are gonna do the same for all the old world mounts. If they’ll go out of their way to redo mount skeletons, who knows what else they’re up to. Current Blizzards team is huge, whos to say worgen tails aren’t being worked on now for 10.2.5 as we speak? After all no one had eredar draeneis in their bingo cards for this expansion. At this point, literally anything is possible. Even druid of the flame options for night elves… :slight_smile:



After all this time, and as much support this has in the community Blizzard NOT doing it is just them being stubborn for some reason.

No excuse they give can hold water, they have had way too much time to do whatever is needed to make this happen, but they simply refuse.

That’s a 50 DKP minus Blizzard, get off your backsides and get it done.


It’s going to be called dynamic flight.

Not going to lie…dynamic flight sounds so bland. I’m hoping they grant dracthyr’s flight skill and the flight form for druids the use of the dragonriding system too before too long. Just…feels dumb that neither of them has gotten such. Then again no druid flight form able to dragonride did cut down on bots flying around plucking all the herbs from the ground and flying off… somewhat

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Eah, it gets the point across. I think normal flying will be called “Standard Flight” so it doesn’t need to be fancy.

We might get some dream stuff next patch, so it would be a good time to add it.

They still exist sadly.

I enjoy flying through a group of them and then picking off the survivors.