Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Anyone ever try explaining this situation to normal people who arent aware of it?
I mean, i guess its common knowledge the level Blizzard ignores feedback would make Nintendo blush.

None Iā€™m self employed and make a fun living doing what I enjoy.

Thank you Dr. Phil.

Also cant help but notice some of your posts got removed. Might want to be careful take it from me Blizzard loves handing out 3 day bans. I would know the Mass Report Discord has gotten me enough of them on this thread alone. But end of the day Iā€™m still here still requesting options.


PS. We have a Worgen discord. And at no time did anyone want this to be private. Heck we love keeping this out in the open for all to see. Its made even easier when someone comes in and starts trying to tell us what we can and canā€™t do.

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I have blacked out my portrait in protest of no tail .

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Something tells me itā€™s going to be more than 3 days with the one thing I seen get removed.

seeing as dracthyr footprints are like chicken footprints shouldnā€™t it be more like nugget instead of hamburger?

Hey not all of us from mg are against it! Iā€™m actually surprised more arenā€™t for it on the forums.

Also obligatory give worgens optional tails!

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give them the freaking tails, we got draenei warlocks first than those poor guyā€™s tails and i bet draenei will get red stin and more tails before they get their ones!

Blizzard isnā€™t a wall though?

Theyā€™ve actually listened to many player requests and especially now theyā€™re a lot more willing to do so.


Give Worgen Tails. (Optional preferrably)


I main evoker, donā€™t make me roast you

didnā€™t mean all evokers, just the troll one who I donā€™t find it fitting to call him hamburger. I also have an evoker main despite the fact I dislike the visage forms we got currently

Would be nice to see more race options but at the same time that would kind of sting for poor Worgen players who still havenā€™t gotten any real customization for Worgen form.

Yeah thus why Iā€™m hoping worgen get more love before dracthyr as wellā€¦if anything seniority plays a part. We worgen have been around and needing cosmetic options longer than the dracthyr. All our luck though Blizz will pull some crazy stunt again but still hoping worgen get more options for their worgen form

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Give Worgen tails


Hey now, Iā€™m not against it either. This is a roleplay realm, the more options for us with customization the better, Worgen customization options are so sad.

Compared to other races we have like 3 options. Both my Worgens would love having a tail, but Iā€™m not gonna spam Blizzard for it.

Iā€™m not a troll. I said something that was far too forward, I guess I was having a bad week. I take back what I said and deleted the original post, truthfully speaking I should keep things like that to myself.

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That Tauren who was liking those posts sure is not going to like you saying this.

Sorry to hear you were having a bad time.
Just got to be sure not to take that out on others ya know.

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I honestly ignored him. I think it was a pity troll, something of that ilk. I noticed he was liking everything I was saying.

Unfortunately with themā€¦thats a whole mess of a story I wont get into. Personally I dont play Worgen but honestly, I just want people happy. Thereā€™s so much negativity (especially on WoW) that its easy to forget thereā€™s people behind these posts going through who knows what.


Yeah. I think we all forget that sometimes now and then and end of radiating ā€œmad-loserā€ energy all over the place.

Iā€™ll have to look through my other posts, whatever else I think was just too far so I can delete it. Iā€™ll be keeping up that alt bit though. I get I was being pretty aggro but editing screenshots to make a point is going too far.

These are my characters on my Check PVP account shown in my settings:

I donā€™t have a death knight on retail. I have one on classic though but I talk with him on the classic forums.

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Kinda worked for those who wanted high elves, and worked for those who wanted straight backs for orcs. But yes, in general, WoW is lacking in customization options, and Dracthyr have shown they can add more options.

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