Who…said anything about going that far? If they don’t implement them we’ll just keep on with our request same as the elf folk did till they got their way. All about time and patience…no self harm needed. Worgen deserve optional tails alongside more cosmetic options for their worgen form as it’s not right that their human form has more options than their worgen form when the human form is basically useless outside of RP even with tame the beast. After worgen eventually get their tails and extra options I plan to ask for dracthyr to get more visage options as I for sure never asked for them to be limited to elf or human yet force fed that story of personal choice. Dracthyr were in turn a injustice much like the worgen and I’m hoping these injustices will be rectified at some point going forward
The difference is, many of us have moved on from that with Dracthyr. Worgen players are… “chasing their tail” about this and expecting to catch it some day.
If you elect me as new CEO of Blizzard, I will give worgen tails and have a customization department to work on everything the customer base wants that fits the WoW universe.
These days you can never tell if someone is a main or throw away Dracthyr alt trying for the Legendary. Normally you see sub 400 ilvl and more than likely its not someones main. If you don’t agree thats fine but with how much people are spamming throwaway alts right now I see a epic or two and mostly lesser gear in the rest of the slots and I assume alt.
I have been playing Worgen since Cata came out. This very druid started life in 04 as a Night Elf druid and was my main up till the end of Cata. The moment Worgen were an option for druids I race changed in a heart beat. (Same with my warrior) even though back then I hated the Worgen female abomination with a passion due to how little time and effort Blizzard put into Worgen but I wanted to spite them for the job they did and I choose to spite them by being a thorn in there sides till the day I can look at my Worgen character and be happy with it. And what would make me happy is an optional tail.
Its called passion. Where most would give up those of us who truly enjoy our characters want the most out of the game. Blizzard has never given 100% towards Worgen and while its disappointing we still stick with the race we choose to play. If that means bugging Blizzard for 13 more years… heck I’m down for it in a heart beat. And trust me I don’t care what others think. If they call me odd, furry whatever for wanting a customization option please feel free to do so I will just be laughing as I continue to post no matter what is said.
End of the day people come to this thread to attack us all the time. Any time we make comments back really all it dose is keep the post at the top of the discussion threads where it belongs. You can take what I said here and accept it or not I don’t care either way I am just here and will continue to be here to ask for Optional Worgen tails till the day we get them. And when that happens I will stop.
Says you. You have no idea how annoying I can be when I put my mind to it… Oh they will give in it will just take time and time is something I have plenty of… No really I got fired from my job of 18 years so I got all the free time in the world now. (Got fired due to a new owner BTW)
I’ve yet to see that level of melodramatic pathos from anyone here…except perhaps, from those opposing the request. I mean, it’s not only ridiculous in your book…it’s extremely ridiculous.
Oh, sure. You didn’t tell anyone what to do with their lives. You’ve simply drawn an arbitrary line in the sand as to what is and is not worthy of the players’ dedicated attention.
There are still threads being made to this day asking for player housing, and certain playable races (ogres, high elves, etc.). Are you going to post to those threads as well, telling them all they are allowed only a limited time to request those features…after which, they must shut up for their own good? That would be extremely arrogant.
Funny thing about the player housing thing, players have been asking for over a decade for that, and after so long, they finally confirmed that they will indeed work on that, and that it’ll be a feature for a future expansion down the line. Years and years of players requesting, people laughing at em and telling em it would never happen, and Blizzard comes in and says it’ll happen, to be patient, it won’t happen in dragonflight, but that it will indeed happen in a future expansion.
We’ve been asking for tails for a long long time now, and just recently they humored us not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES about us requesting tails in the form of a dev interview and a dracthyr joke, and we all know how sarcastic blizzard can be. Anyone remember dracthyr’s won’t get a 3rd spec the week before it got confirmed?
Sad to say but that guy is not worth it anymore I mean he’s clearly trying to provoke people with stupid nonsense. I mean look what he said to Foxy when she called him out on that line you quoted. He’s just a sad little troll who doesn’t need to be fed. Let him starve under his bridge…
I’d have to agree, quite a nice hat. Is that the one from buying all that stuff off the niffen trader? Oh and here’s hoping worgen get optional tails in the near future