Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Yes. Please. Tails Tails TAILS TAILS!!!


Worgen fighting for tails. We will not stop till we get them.


what if you skin a valupa and make a fake tail

As soon as I find a valupa and take extensive notes on what it is I might. Till then Give Worgen tails!

donā€™t be silly, you canā€™t skin a chalupa

helicopter tails like tails

Nah, they can have optional tails. Thereā€™s been art of them having tails from Blizz sooo who knows! Letā€™s hope they give us optional tails for those of us who want them and those who donā€™t. Makes everyone happy!

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Except for the music.
Tristram to this day is a banger.

funny thing is Iā€™ve only seen or maybe heard a hint of Tristram in D4ā€¦ whoever wrote that mysterious wolf character gets it. What were they thinking would happen building a city on top of a demonā€™s prison lol. Itā€™s been sacked how many times now? Still wishing the werewolf form would of gotten a tail but mehā€¦ at this rate Iā€™d prefer not getting DCed everytime I use that town portal scroll. Back on topic though worgen should really get an optional tail by this point I mean weā€™ve seen worgen in hearthstone having tails and more stuff in hearthstone carries over to WoW than diablo soā€¦why not

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First off no idea what a valupa is, think you mean chalupa but you canā€™t skin a taco so idk. Second a fake tail wonā€™t cut it as we wanna wag our tails and you canā€™t wag something fake.

Foxy donā€™t know if you would like one but I got support a streamer status for D4 so you can get a mount for the game from my twitch channel. I have been leveing a Werewolf druid and its kind of fun. A bit weaker than other classes but still fun. My only gripe is the change from the tailed werewolf in D2 to the non tailed Werewolf in D4. Also was a bit odd that all the other druids we meet are normal sized characters and player druids are want to be Kulā€™Tiranā€™s. Shrug

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I lost it when we found out who it was. XD

This is the fate of Spoilers:

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I appreciate the offer Asheru but idk if a horse would help me atm. I found today it wonā€™t let me fast travel, use the town portal scroll, or even leave dungeons without DCing me. Iā€™m not sure where all the lag is coming from as I can run every other game on my computer perfectly fine but D4 is the laggiest thing Iā€™ve ever seen at this point. Iā€™ve been half tempted to just uninstall it and try again much later asā€¦Iā€™m getting hit by lag spikes so bad my character stands there like a moron and lets things kill me while Iā€™m telling them to heal or fight or run and nothing gets through. Iā€™m glad at least WoW doesnā€™t lag like diablo is. Hereā€™s hoping worgen get optional tails in WoW as Iā€™m thinking Iā€™m done with diablo for a while. D4 is just stress I donā€™t need in my life atm

Sorry to hear hope it gets sorted for you soon.

Iā€™m just hoping itā€™s just the first week of launch issues and not something that I need to upgrade my computer to solve. If anything I can play WoW and hope worgen get tails.

Support a Streamer mount is around till the 6th so your more than welcome to stop by any time before then. But ya I donā€™t know why Blizzard seems to think a Monkey Butt werewolf looks betterā€¦ Tails make Digigrade legs more balanced. End of story.

Still waiting for my worgi tails.

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Agreed, tails make them look more complete and balanced, not to mention there is a bit of a cute appeal when you see them wag said tail. I mean Iā€™d even be fine if they wanted to add stub as a skin for the optional tail so long as the long tails are also an option.

In all honesty the reason we are asking for options is so people can have the choice. The more choices the better. Worgen already suffered for 10 years with no choice and it hurt the player base a ton. Give us a choice and we will see what people choose.