Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Hey is Worgen like a Awesome race to be in terms of Hunters, Rogues, and specially Warlocks too atleast with the Dark Necromancer or Warlock Vibes in general?

one thing Iā€™ve been curious aboutā€¦mainly as I didnā€™t upgrade for early access to D4 so canā€™t checkā€¦does the gender of your druid mean anything for the werewolf form or are they the same no matter the gender? Gameplay i saw had a male druid maiming people but Iā€™m curious if Blizzard did what they did with Dracthyr to the D4 druid werewolf.

Also for the love of god Blizz give worgen optional tails already, the fact we gotta beg for this is so dumb it should of been an thing already

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Same model regardless sadly. Druid was really poorly done this time around. Fat character with weak dmg, and little survival. And no Iā€™m not fat shaming. The Diablo world is one of suffering and pain yet unlike the Barbarian who just looks like a fit outsider from another country the druids just look like fat characters who shouldnā€™t really fit in the area. They remind you of a glutton demon rather than another citizen of the realm. It really kind of was poorly done. They also make the werewolf form the same as the enemy werewolves so you can get lost or mixed up about who to attack.

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Hereā€™s hoping they remedy thatā€¦even a littleā€¦ what is with Blizz making forms gender neutral lately though as both with dracthyr and now the D4 werewolf they did it poorly. Even the Draconid are gender neutral whichā€¦ idkā€¦ just seems odd at times. I mean they did a female draconid model for hearthstone yet the WoW ones all got the male body even if they got a very feminine voice. Iā€¦donā€™t understand their mindset for some of these thingsā€¦ makes me fear how they may screw up on worgen tails when they grant worgen the optionā€¦and if they do so thatā€™d be a big middle finger to all of us asking for them would it not?

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Itā€™s logical considering the Dragons and affiliated: You can never tell if they are male or female unless they speak.
It was like this since the beginning of WoW.

However, itā€™s blablantly stupid when it comes to a werewolf as there are differences between male and female regarding the real world wolves and they have done it for the worgens soā€¦ why not doing this in D4?

Do they want to please the queer by going gender neutral when they can?
If soā€¦ i should stop here because i will not be polite if i have to say more.

Actually, there used to be more ā€˜feminineā€™ bodys for the 4 legged type.

I think it was just them being lazy.

Thatā€™s why their visages are just reused models with dragon parts glued on.

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yeah on their obvious two favorite races tooā€¦ they could of easily glued dragon stuff onto like idk pandaren or vulpera or hey even a gnome visage would be nicer than ugly elf boy or ugly human girl at this point. They for sure went as lazy as could be on the drakonid guards though


It would have been so cool if you could pick any race for a visage thatā€™s for sure.

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it would of been so much nicer and far less awkward for sure, more so with the fact that they tell you that a dragonā€™s visage is how they see themselves yet dracthyr never got any honest choice in that regard. not even to mention how insanely awkward it must be for lady dracthyr to walk around looking like a human woman in a Horde city. Itā€™s like they cut corners or let some biased person who only likes humans and elves select the available visage races.

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I think they just picked one model from each of the most popular races from each faction in hopes no one would complain.

It would have been much better to have more races or make a new one from scratch. And why do they only have human skin tones? Shouldnā€™t they have purple/blue/green like other mortal races?


Picking one from each popular race in itself is lazy though but then again they did kinda mess up the dracthyr model itself. The males look like the females but theyā€™re said to have had mortal essence added to them during creation in the lore yetā€¦besides walking on two feet and speaking like everyone elseā€¦theyā€¦ lack identifying traits. I mean they supposedly got a bulkier model but even that isā€¦lacking. I just hope theyā€™re not going to add onto that tame the beast or whatever thing they gave worgen to try and force worgen players to semi play as human like they did with dracthyr and the visage toggle thing. One thing to mess up with dracthyr but I can hope worgen never get done so wrong as to lose things for whatever reason. Worgen deserve optional tailsā€¦they deserve to gain so many new optionsā€¦ I just hope Blizz wonā€™t make worgen suffer because Dracthyr share their rig

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I donā€™t think they would ever do that.

Even if there was a chance of that happening they would have to spend a lot of time to make it work for no real reason.

They are deff lacking compared to other races.

Good time to plug ā€œThe List.ā€


Worgen have a unique ability to shapeshift into Human forms, but it feels like this is drawing away from the actual Worgen options that you use the vast majority of the time, also their options are mostly changing fur patterns on similar looking faces.

Worgen Suggestions


  • Larger and more visible Braids/Patches/extensions.
  • More Hair decorations/accessories. (Maybe a small hat or rose for Females)
  • Separate Beard options and add more beard styles.
  • Mane Color Options.


  • Improve the Heterochromia selection in the menu with Left/Right Eye toggles.
  • Improve the Eye Glow Selection and let them use Worgen Eyes in Human form.
  • More Muzzle Shapes and Teeth options.
  • More Ear Selections, including more Wolf-like Options.


  • Separate scars from faces.
  • More facial Scars and Damaged ears.
  • Large Body Scars/Bite Marks/Claw Marks.
  • Scars Visible in Human Form.


  • More Darker and Pure Black Fur Colors.
  • Optional Tail Toggle, with Short/Medium/Long and Curled/Thin/Fluffy as well as damaged/stump appearance options.
  • Shaggier Fur options.

And much more.


Making a new visage form from scratch would have been better.

Imagine this:
If a Dracthyr was allowed to chose any other race as a visage form at the creation of the character.
Now add the fact that the dev plan to expand the classes available for the dracthyr (they explicitly mentioned the warrior).

What will happen? Many players will chose the dracthyr as you can play two races in one character as the visage form can be used in combat.

Thereā€™s a good probability that it will seriously impact the overall race played diversity.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good thing.

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The moral of this tale is that the sequel is never as good as the original. Bah ha ha.

And Hearthstone had a feminine Drakonid model that looked great.
That both them and Dragonspawn were butchered for the sake of a virtue signal is a tragedy.

I agree nerf DH!

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I honestly find this to be a bit jarring. Like human form is basically Hagrid but werewolf form is kind of thin? It doesnā€™t make a lot of sense.

I think body size customization in Diablo 4 should have been a thing to some extent, but it was probably just easier to work with one body type per class and with Druid, they opted for a human build that looks appropriate for a werebear. The werewolf form feels a little like an afterthought in regards to the human form.

I had thought that they were going to find some way to explain why Dracthyr Visages are different from normal dragons, but so far it seems to be an unfinished plot thread.

What size?

I think WoW oughta be a bit less Diablo, and a bit more Hearthstone, IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

Give Worgen Tails.


yeah more like hearthstone and less like diablo would be neat to see, especially if worgen get tails and the drakonid female model is actually used