Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I will ready my brushes.


Well said <3

Yes!!! So much this!!

I will hunt down every worgen with a tail and make it my profession.

and be nice to them

or you’re going to have the shortest life expectancy of any hunter


hopefully he’s going to hunt them down and give them head pets and help them brush their tail and be kind to them otherwise we may see a new item on the AH in the way of…well… human hide… lol

In all honesty though worgen deserve optional tails at this point, their human form don’t need anything else just spoil the worgen’s worgen form with all kinds of things like new snouts, new ears, new hair styles, the ability to change their hair color separate from fur color, optional scars separate from fur, upright posture for the men, maybe added height option as in game they’re shorter than tauren which in itself I think violates their lore as far as height as they’re what as tall as worgen gals in the lore, oh and of course optional tails. Enough love and options for their worgen form that they catch up to the rest of us just in time for all the fel tattoos and horns and such that comes with DH when they get that


You will hunt me first and I will be the last Worgen you ever see before I gouge out your eyes and feed them to your pet. Then I will move to the ears and rip them off before throwing them into a fire where they will be turned to ash. But do not worry little human… for I am a healer you will not die to this… Oh no I will heal you back from the brink of death so I can rip out each organ then watch as you blindly flail around wishing with each pathetic frail breath that death would come and put an end to your suffering, but no I will not allow it. You will suffer just as the Worgen suffered… 10 years of pain and torture every day begging for it to end, but knowing that I will not allow it. After the period of 10 years is up if there is anything left of you then and only then will I consider letting your pets finish the job I started. So come hunter let us dance, for it will be the start of a 10 year period you will not soon forget.

If he won’t, I will.

It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.

Optional tails on the June trading post maybe? :smiley:
I don’t care if everyone gets it, as long as I get it >.>

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Could use more Worgen, honestly.

There’s absolutely nothing weird about wanting the bipedal wolf people to have tails. In fact, worgen having chimpanzee butts has always been bizarre.
What’s not normal is the weird fixation you and a couple others seem to have that worgen CANT have tails, especially when the original worgen concept art showed them with them, and even now a lot of official art shows tailed worgen in Hearthstone.
Anyway, let worgen players have a tail option. It’s so awkward that they don’t right now.


So I saw in game footage of the werewolf form in D4… it doesn’t got a tail but it’s also a druid form that disappears if you don’t use a move involving it within a certain time so this doesn’t bug me. Now worgen get to stay their wolf selves all the time without needing to do a thing, they even become that form during combat and thus they deserve an optional tail option as they’re not some class ability like D4 has going on oh no they’re a proud race of people who deserve more customization and optional tails. To not give worgen an optional tail is lazy and stupid at this point as the official artwork of worgen all include a tail

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I was just thinking about playing a worgen again and how cool it would be if I could have one with a tail.

That is all.


If you want your mind blown look at D2. The druid werewolf form in that game had a tail… Good Job Blizzard.


oh I know but the fact the D4 werewolf doesn’t also got a tail when it did in D2 confuses me a tad. Still savage and amazing to see in action but none the less…confusing why they cut its tail off. A werewolf without a tail looks about as sad as a dog who’s owner bobbed its tail leaving it a tiny nub. While some may find that cute it still looks sad as that kinda thing must of been agonizing hell for the poor pup

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Indeed, give them tails.

I’m willing to bet the main reason they came out of vanilla without tails is that back then the graphics would’ve looked like a pinecone stuck to their butt.

For this reason I say give them tails. They are more wolf looking than wolf-man looking (in the oldschool hollywood sense) and even that version of werewolf was just what they could do with makeup at the time.

Just saying I feel like tails would be more common for werewolves (and they have tails in Werewolf: The Apocalypse, perhaps the coolest werewolf universe), assuming the assets exist to make them look good. Keep it optional for the people who don’t want it, of course.

I mean if I have to look at lightforged warlocks into the future other people can surely suffer with my worgen having tails.


Yeah if races like Night elves and light forged who hate demons can be warlocks then by all means worgen should be able to have optional tails. No reason they shouldn’t by this point



Just to reiterate.


The D4 werewolf does not have tail unlike D2 R? I guess that we have someone at Blizzard stupid enough to think that a tail on a werewolf (and probably the worgen) is only a thing for the perverts of the furry fandom.

IF it’s the case, we should remind Blizzard that there’re also werewolves fans who have a certain idea of what a werewolf could / should be.

Putting a tail on a werewolf (and by extension the worgens) is one of those visions, not necessarly a pervert lunacy.


