Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

One day we will get them.

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Give worgens tails Give worgens tails Give worgens tails Give worgens tails Give worgens tails Give worgens tails Give worgens tails Give worgens tails Give worgens tails Give worgens tails, GIVE WORGENS TAILS.


If Blizz doesn’t add tails customization with this upcoming fur update for Worgens it would be a huge missed opportunity!



Give worgen BattleTags.

what if they had 3 tails and they spun like a hellicopter

Give worgen tails!

And also separate fur color from the scars!


A tale indeed

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Give tails to worgen as an option.
Straighten worgen male backs as an option.
Seperate scars from worgen fur patterns as Fenelon said. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase.


I said it first :unamused:


ilu kiljaeden player, I also play on alliance kiljaeden h / kj D:

I didn’t read too far up, sorry D:

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horde. disgusting.

Snout, wolf ears and tails as well pleashee :smiley: :fist_right: :fist_left:


Dragon is horde, was horde til cross-faction was a thing now my main is alliance over there, the state of general / trade chat makes me sad :frowning:

I been stomping people horde as alliance KJ since legion. I was horde before that don’t tell anybody

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I would love to see Gilneas again. It’s been about I don’t know 10 to 14 years since Cataclysm and so far the zone itself and city is still abandoned. I just want something populated and different instead of going to portals alot, dailies, trading post, and etc other than stormwind of course.


Asheru will remember this…

It was only to raid during MoP and WoD, I didn’t kill anybody I swear D:
actually my warrior went horde with a guild going into throne of thunder and then went back alliance after cutting edge siege of orgrimmar. So it was WoD not Legion that I went back alliance

what if you had triple tails like Tails from Sonic

He only has two


If Worgen had tails, there’s a real chance they’d be too fluffy to resist. They’d wag. They’d howl. They might even break above Void Elves for popularity.

… Prolly not that last one. But two out of three ain’t bad!

Give Worgen Tails.