Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)


Not really comparable to adding a tail to a beast race.

Brightly colored fur might be nice, though. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


shut up and embrace the rainbow, fox


Yes, yes. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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If dracthyr can’t have breasts you can’t have tails.


You know…the more he says stuff like this the more he’s really proving something that’s been said here to be more and more true. More so That last thing I quoted of his…the “If you want more options for Worgen you should just go play something else” BS he’s spewing.

What exactly was I saying he’s proving to be more and more true…why this quote I’ve quoted numerous times now. People view vulpera as the furry race so in a sense he’s showing the “Ew furries” part and by him flat out saying he’ll quit if any of us get tails he’s saying the “Nobody should get them if I don’t want them” thing. Really…is sad how folk keep coming in here but guess this just goes to show Henitai called it big time


theyd look better with

grats on 40 :>

Yup, the tail is the line I will not cross.

They are transformative humans, not like the other races with tails.

If they add a tail, it creates a feeling of slight revulsion in me when I look at it, so I won’t be able to play it anymore.

Speaking to the furry wall, but gotta speak my piece.

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Oh, it’s denial. I see. More common among Tauren players but not unheard of in Worgen.


Thanks, helps they delayed the story of 10.1 for a bit so I got more time to kick some butt. Still sad we worgen don’t got a breath of fire animation though as I was enjoying the sassy walk with the staff over my shoulder thing I had going on when I played brewmaster some. Would look better with a tail though honestly

this won’t stop you from looking at it

Not having one, is not a problem lol.

Leave my Worgen alone! :cry:

what part of tauren has them in denial? The fact female tauren lactate milk from the same place as a normal human woman or that they’re giant cows in general?

your worgen wouldn’t change, its others that you have a problem with. where again, your opinion doesn’t influence what others can or cannot do to customize themselves.


Leave the entire race alone.

Stop asking to change what is already good in my eyes.

Even OP isn’t a Worgen anymore.

Not all werewolves NEED to have tails anyway.

Tails are for cute things, and you need to re-evaluate playing a WEREWOLF over say a Vulpera.

There are so many other beast-races with tails, please leave mine alone.

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No. More fur colors/patterns, optional secondary posture and then of course tail options. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Difference there is they’re not because they couldn’t customize themselves. You wouldn’t be a worgen anymore because of what others could do. It’s really an egocentric reason.

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I can name at least 100 species of predators who’d disagree with you :v


Okay clever girl, I meant with WoW races lol.

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