Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Mmmmmmmokay fair lol

Reality check fella…the game does not revolve around you and your wants. We play worgen too, we’re asking for our race to get more options as we’re being repressed as far as options. You also don’t pay for our accounts so you get NO SAY in what we play or don’t. Get off your high horse or by all means take your own advice and go play something else. All you’ve shown is you’re an entitled child saying we shouldn’t get to customize our characters because you don’t want more options yourself. If we ever get tails I’d wag mine in your face out of spite at this point. So be a good troll and go back under your bridge


I wouldn’t exactly call Eredars or gnolls cute. Like I said before, wolves are known for having vicious looking wild tails. Nothing cute about a angry wolf.


You think draenei are cute? Seriously now?


Reality check? Lol it’s been the way I like it for 18+ years. I’m happy as-is.

And no, you wouldn’t be able to wag anything in my face because I’d be playing another race or game entirely, lol.

Especially the males. They are sexy-goofy.

I once played in a server-that-shall-not-be-named which actually had tail options for worgen and they looked so natural it was like 3 days before I even realized there were worgen walking around with tails. I don’t know how they did it but it seriously fit perfectly. I would post screens but… server-that-shall-not-be-named.

I’m cute.


Face option 11 has the scar over the eye, at least it does on 10.1.5 PTR.

Yeah I think the scars being part of the skin color options is odd. It makes me wonder if the new fur color options are in reality cut customization options from Shadowlands’ development.

Mag’har Orcs also have their body scar options tied in with skin color options, so it does feel like the scarred Worgen fur color options may have been made during earlier points of Shadowlands’ development before scars as their own option categories were added to Orcs and Night Elves later in Shadowlands’ development.

The other thing about the scars being part of the fur texture is that the scars are completely symmetrical, so they don’t actually feel like they are from a battle but instead give the appearance of intentionally-inflicted scars like some of the Mag’har Orcs’ skin color options. Not really a bad thing of course, as it’s interesting for character customization, but proper scar options would allow for more asymmetrical looks.

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What an odd take.

“I’mma stop playing a thing because an option, I don’t have to use, was added.”



ngl I legit thought they had tails LOL tf, now I have to go see this for myself how could they NOT have tails!?

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I like your mog. Nice look.

:3 do u mean it?

I love being able to see my legs with all these new cloth pieces!

Can I haz your golds?

Wait why am I not showing up as 70

Darn it Blizzard why you no show my druid at her correct level?



Aw shucks, but really it is just an observation from this thread.

Cause when you get comments like this

No one can elaborate on what pre established lore is being changed or “ruined”, and this is coming from someone that does have an issue with “Warlocks for all” since you can definitely argue that it does trample pre established lore on why some races are what they are.

There is just no lore that dictates or suggests that all Worgen can not have tails outside of being absent, and if that is your justification then no race should get any more additions to customisation with that logic. For the “Worgen are lycans” thing, its another case of it not being expressed anywhere in the lore and just your headcanon. Which is fine since tails would be an option, so you can keep your more lycan-like tail-less Worgen.

People can come in and say its “just there opinion” but dont act surprised when people call you out as just being a selfish and/or prejudice opinion.

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Yeah like how Night elves literally hate the legion for what Archimonde did to their land in warcraft 3 if not just demons in general that being a demon hunter was a huge taboo for them. Then Lightforged draenei literally fought demons now they command them? Normal Draenei fled from the legion now they become what eredar and command them? It just goes to show Blizz doesn’t care about lore anymore but then we get folk that come in here and throw a tantrum about worgen asking for optional tails and they start claiming “It ruins the lore” when we got the trainwreck that is forcing warlocks on races that hate demons. Odd hill to die on though when one claims they’ll quit if worgen get more stuff like optional tails of all things. I mean come on we’re not asking for it because of some lewd thoughts or god forbid what people claim is a “furry reason” we just want optional tails as the model looks off balance without one. Sadly we keep getting folk that come in here and as you said start going “I don’t want it so nobody should have it” or “Eew furries”… what’s with the increase in entitlement on these haters lately I’ll never know but I wish they’d learn when to quit or Blizz would announce that worgen are getting optional tails force the haters to be quiet for once


Huh. So you might say that when it comes to werewolves, tails are… Optional? Good to know.

Lore aplenty for tails as well; communion with Wild Gods, alchemical experimentals, ‘i-woke-up-like-this’, increased shapeshifting proficiency (I can become a full wolf with a tail, and learned how to retain that in my upright form!)… Many, many avenues.

Give Worgen Tails.


Start a thread asking for it. Er, them.


Deal. Let’s campaign for BT 5/6. In fact, let’s campaign for more BTs across the board.

Give Worgen Tails.