Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Well that answered nothing

Youā€™re asking a ā€œwhyā€ to someoneā€™s opinion.

Lol, thatā€™s my reason.

Anyway Iā€™ve said everything Iā€™ve had to say about this, and Iā€™m a bit exhausted repling and defending my stance.

Yā€™all take care, be safe.

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The Scourge are zombies and unholy constructs of flesh and boneā€¦ the vampires in WoW are the Sanā€™layn which have yet to be truly added to the game because the alliance murdered their emissaries to the Horde in BFA and put us on bad terms with their queen


I didnā€™t ask why. I merely pointed out that its a bit ridiculous to abandon a race because of what others can do with it. Your response dispelled nothing from that notion.


And Iā€™ve already stated several times that the in-game Worgen have existed as-is for about 18+ years now. I prefer them that way.

Iā€™m exhausted now.

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Still strange, since the act of quitting as worgen, when yours wouldnā€™t change at all, would change literally nothing.


And you know that, how?

Good night.

because if everyone decided to paint their grass red, setting fire to your green grass wouldnā€™t make their grass any less red.


Thatā€™s not the same.


Why is that, exactly? :dracthyr_tea:

Because people that want large fluffy tails will go play the races that have them.

I wonā€™t want that on my Worgen, they never had tails to me! Never, never ever, not in-game at least.

Iā€™ve played all races, and am an Underworld fan, so I prefer distinctly that tailless part of identity and Iā€™m not asking for what everyone else here wants.

If they change it, Iā€™ll just play something else.

They wouldnā€™t be what they are, to me.

Since Vanilla, Worgen always existed this way. And thatā€™s the version I like.

Good thing itā€™d be optional, then.

Itā€™d be a potential addition, not really a change. Youā€™d be unaffected. :dracthyr_love_animated:


It would destroy my immersion, even though it would help with others.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™d stop playing mine.

I appreciate it, though.

Somebody else having a tail would ruin your immersion?


I can give you a similar example that proves the same point. Dracā€™thyr used to be able to have a 2h weapon visible on their back. There were workarounds to it, so really it was kind of like a customization. It clipped and some dragons didnā€™t like it. If any went and deleted their dragon because oh that clipping ruined the race, it would change nothing. Their opinions and feelings about the matter do not govern how others choose to customize themselves. Your opinions and feelings do not govern how others would customize their class if tails were added. Youā€™re falling on the sword just to fall on it.


Yeah, because Iā€™ve never seen one with a tail in-game. Thatā€™s not my vision, not my characters lol.

Yeah, a rather awkward thing to witness. :dracthyr_a1:

Weā€™ve already agreed that worgen tails are fine if they give some kind of justification in terms of lore to add em. No idea why this is still being discussed. :stuck_out_tongue:

At this point Marstol, itā€™s best to just wait and see, since the conversation just keeps going full circle. Weā€™ve already been hinted at that worgen tails are coming, how, we donā€™t know, so in your case, letā€™s hope itā€™s given a lore explenation just like the draenei locks and worgen monks. :smiley:


Everyone has limits with fantasy they enjoy, especially with immersion.

Everyone has their own ideas and visions of characters and races within a story.

If they added bright-neon-skinned Vulpera, even as an option, that must be okay then.

Itā€™s an option! It wonā€™t hurt anybody elseā€™s immersion.

Make fun of me all yā€™all want for having an opinion.

Slowly chipping away at the original vision of this game, the one everyone initially fell in love with. Until itā€™s unrecognizable.