Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

For myself, I’m not going to hold your preference against you. You aren’t the only player with Worgen characters that feels as you do, and that’s a perfectly valid point of view. That’s the very reason why the majority of ‘pro-tail’ posters in this thread are of the opinion that it should only be implemented as an option.

What most of us are taking umbrage with, is your clear bias against allowing the option, and an unflagging propensity to repeat the same baseless arguments in opposition to it. You even go so far as to say those that want tails should go to the other faction to play Vulpera, or even leave WoW for another game. If you are so inflexible as that, perhaps it is you that should go play “Underworld: The Game”, to avoid any chance of seeing non-Lycans?


“Lycans” are from and entirely different IP franchise and have no bearing on worgen. You prefer them not to have tails; I get that. That’s entirely an understandable and valid opinion. However, worgen are werewolves and very specifically not “Lycan”.


Lycans are werewolves (Lycanthropes), and I’d argue it was a creative choice on Blizzard’s part to add them in this way.

Lycans fight Vampires and Worgen fight Scourge. Scourge are Vampires in the Warcraft universe. The similarities are there.

Tauren have tails, so other races definitely did at the time. This was on purpose.

They chose to include them without tails, and I live for it.

Personally, I think Worgen are Blizzard’s take on Lycans. With a name similar to Wulfen from Warhammer. They are a hybrid of sorts.

Honestly, they may very well just be the Wulfen, just non-space versions. With the ability to turn back into a human, put them in the medieval fantasy setting, and that’s basically a lycan anyway.

WoW in and of itself is a Warhammer ripoff after all.

You dedicate your life to odd things.


Yes, I’m an odd individual.

Everyone should stand up for their opinions, though.

If more people want tails, then they’ll probably add them.

I am likely in the minority here, but I like them as-is.

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And before you say Hearthstone doesn’t count, keep in mind, we found out how N’zoth looks because of Hearthstone, found out about tortollans because of Hearthstones first, we have Hearthstone original characters in Dragonflight, ect. Hearthstone does influence wow.


Yes, I’m aware to whenever anyone points to examples.

That’s all after Cataclysm, which was some time ago (2010), when the still-used WoW model was updated to be playable.

The Vanilla models before them (Sons of Arugal, classic Worgen) within WoW have always been this way.

I just prefer the WoW model.

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And you can keep that very same model. The new worgen skins we’re getting are nothing like what we’ve seen in the game before. Especially the gnoll looking one. Does that impact worgens at all? It doesn’t. It’s all customization. You’ll never see a main worgen character use it, but it’s something that the players themselves will use, just like worgen monks, and eventually worgen demon hunters which is already confirmed, worgens will evolve past the point of their original conception, yet still retain their original looks if you so choose.

The Highland drakes have a very distinct image to em when they released, yet here I am with a new drake option you can choose that goes far past the originally released dragon.

Yes, I’m also just using this a example to show off my new drake.


But remember all we are asking is it to be Optional. that way if you dont want to have a tail you dont have to. But for other players like my self we want that option to have a tail on our worgen characters. It doent hurt you at all if i have my worgen with a tail. But as i sayed keeping it as an option makes it to where if you dont want it you dont have to put it on your character. Its your choice to not have it, but out right saying that others shouldn’t get it or have to play other games or another race to get a tail is just asinine. Like everyone else on this theirs all we are doing is asking for something that will not effect anyone but our one characters. At the end of the day this is just a game we all enjoy and want to make it more fun. But that’s my 2 cents.


I don’t see many other Worgen running around, but I see a lot of Vulpera.

I feel like what people are asking for is basically large Vulpera, and that will ruin the race in my eyes.

I’ll probably be the only tailless Worgen running around, along with the NPCs of my race. And that’s probably enough for me to hang the race up. I just like them better this way.

Even as an option, I’m probably the minority here.

It’s of no consequence- I play all WoW races at some point. I’d just stop playing this one, and play something else.

But if they change Worgen like that, I’d enjoy them less. Even if it’s just optional, it’s just changing the lore for me.

Ever since I’ve played WoW since I was young, I loved running Shadowfang Keep and stuff, and just the nostalgia is attached to the fact that the Worgen I know always were tail-less, it’s just a distinct feature of a Worgen.

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Im pretty sure that even if blizz does make it an option i dont think that they are going to go out and update all of their NPC modals with tails. that would be a lot of work. i might see that they might give a few tails but not all of them again since it is an option. They are not just going to implement it and force it on use. But if you think this is the hill to die on over an option to stop playing a race you like thats on you. Yes it may be nostalgia but things change. Wow has changed so much from the fist game but thats not a bad thing. change can be good or bad. Yes Blizz has made some bad choices but they have learnt from them most of the time, But adding this as an option just like they added other option to other races doesn’t hurt anything. Like look how many options the blood elf’s have all asked for by there community. Hell they got the purple eyes because of a bug. So i just dont see how it hurts to give worgens something when every other race in the game has more option then they do. At the end of the day all we are asking for is more customization for our charecters.


Speak for yourself, here on Sargeras I’ve seen a bunch of worgens. A lot of em came in after Shadowlands, and stuck with it with the hopes that they would get more options because they loved the original batch of options which was just skin options. Imagine tail or ear or snout options.

Plenty of people have come in here who play worgens that have said “I won’t use it, but I’ll support tailed worgens”. You won’t be alone there friend. I have a close buddy of mine who would never use it and had the same thought as you, but eventually said it would be cool because worgens lack options in general, so give em tails.

Okay, there is a massive difference between a wolf, and a fox. That includes the tails. While foxes have big bushy tails, like vulperas, wolves have wild looking tails. I’d argue that giving worgen tails would make em look MORE ferocious as people want em to be.

And you can keep that. We’re not taking it away. It’s 1000% optional. Growing up to me the wow orcs were always big bulky hunchbacked green dudes, and over time that’s changed. I wasn’t a fan of the straight back orcs myself, but was I going around telling all orcs that if they wanna have straight backs, go play a human? Nope, if anything I welcomed the options because it ment more options for everyone in the future.

Give the players more options!

Mag’har orcs and lightforged draeneis being locks would like to have a word with you.


Yeah, I’m one of the folks being vocal against that change, because it’s against the established lore of those races.

If Blizzard went ahead and wrote a bunch of stuff about how they had some Warlocks of those races stashed away somewhere, then it wouldn’t be so bad.

But they haven’t done any of that.

Imo, it’s just further damaging why people joined this game in the first place. The established world was cohesive, and made sense.

They went and added a human Monk NPC in old Gilneas to establish why Worgen Monks exist, for example. Every race that can be a monk has a starting monk NPC.

Just for mechanical reasons, they never added them. They would’ve always been monks had they been able to.

I said way earlier in this post, I’d have no problem if they added tailed Worgen as a new allied race, maybe as permanent feral Worgen from the dream instead of the humans from Gilneas.

If they left the original Worgen alone, I’d have no issue with it.

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Funnily enough, I’ve had this same thought with tailed worgens, cause as we know, we have primal worgens locked away in the emerald nightmare currently and have been in there for thousands of years. Who knows how they’ve changed and evolved over the years.

If we were to get tailed worgens, I’m one of the people who would absolutely love to have it be established first with the lore, whether it’s finding worgens that were locked away in the emerald dream, or getting a gift from Goldrinn.

Btw, it’s not confirmed yet, but there are heavy hints and some leaks that suggest we will go to the Emerald Dream in 10.2. Perfect timing too as Steve Denuser sarcastically said “Worgen with tails? No idea what you’re talking about” in a recent interview when they were asked about giving worgen tails. Keep in mind Ion also said “Dracthyr won’t get a 3rd spec in 10.1” and hilariously enough, we ended up getting it in 10.1.5. Blizzard devs love to be funny sometimes.


I’m just now realizing…

Steve Denuser was asked a simple yes or no question about giving worgen tails.

Instead of saying no, he said “I have no idea what you’re talking about”.

… the chances for tails has just gotten amped up to 11



He kinda did the same thing with the Evoker spec. So here’s hoping.

Odd that optional customization would drive you away. It’s not like refusing to play yours would somehow change others using a tail. Strange hill to die on.


And here is what we are asking for. It to be optional. You want your monkey butt you can keep it that way, you can be happy with the look of your character and go on as if it was nothing. Me I want to choose to have a tail. That is why we are asking for it to be a choice. If you continue to say no about the issue then you are simply wrong. Worgen concept art had tails, hell if Blizzard spent any amount of time on the old Worgen model we might already have a tail. But it is what it is. So you get to be happy and keep your look, I get to be happy and have my look if the optional tail is added. Both sides win. Let us fight for the choice that makes people happy!


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and I fight tooth and nail for my own.

I like Worgen as-is. They are perfect to me.

If you are unhappy with it, maybe Worgen is not for you, and you should play another race instead of asking to change it.