Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I don’t see the harm in giving a tail option like the female Pandaren have, but a wolf tail not a panda tail. Blizz, use real wolves for reference please and thank you.


I remember someone mentioning that if they add in tails it could be a trading post thing. Well, looks like that can actually be a possibility.

Not a fan of it because it would mean if you don’t get the option you want that month you have to wait till later, but it’s definitely a interesting way to get new customizations.

Not at all, character customizations were always given for free for all the players.
There’s no reasons to change this especially since races like the worgens are still lacking.

It’s probably dragon customizations because it would be suicidal to lock character customizations behind the trading post.


There is absolutely zero chance that if they were going to add tails for worgen, that they would do so using the trading post

I hope so. It would be great to see that in the Trading Post.

Worgens have the right to self expression!! GIB TAILS!


I guess some stuff just offended people or something.

The entire think felt overdone.

Ohhh myyy. - George Takei.


Customizations should be a part of the race. Not a time gated mess.

Imagen not being able to get them all or having to choose between two races you play, aweful.

Here’s hoping.

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So this is what ChatGPT says about Worgen tails:

No, it is not possible for Worgen characters in World of Warcraft to have tails. Worgen are a race of feral wolf-like creatures who were cursed and transformed from humans. Their appearance features distinct wolf-like characteristics, including fur, claws, fangs, and a more bestial form. They do not possess tails as part of their design.

However, it’s worth noting that game developers occasionally introduce new customization options and features for playable races in response to player feedback and requests. While I cannot predict specific changes, it’s possible that tail options could be considered for Worgen or other races in future updates or expansions of the game. It would ultimately be up to the game developers to decide if and when such additions are implemented.

From a lore perspective, it would depend on how the addition of tails to Worgen is explained and integrated into the existing lore of World of Warcraft. Currently, Worgen in the game do not have tails, and their design reflects their cursed human-wolf hybrid form. Introducing tails for Worgen would require a suitable explanation within the lore, such as a transformative or evolutionary development.

However, it’s worth noting that lore decisions and design choices in World of Warcraft are ultimately up to the game developers and storytellers at Blizzard Entertainment. They have creative control over the game’s lore and aesthetics, and they make decisions based on various factors, including game balance, visual design, player feedback, and the overall cohesion of the game world. So, whether or not it would be seen as contradictory or reasonable for Worgen to have tails would depend on how it is implemented and received within the context of the game’s lore and design.

I don’t care, I want tails for Worgen


Resubbed for the new patch and I’m sad to see my worgen still can’t have a tail :frowning:
The new upcoming fur colors are start though!
I’ll always be sad about the lack of worgen customization until they add options that are similar to the dracthyr. They are a great example of how to customize scales/fur colors and mix and match parts.
I hope at some point they also separate the scars from faces and fur colors. The new furs look cool but I would like the body scars to be a toggle.


Since lore is being thrown out the window and does not matter anymore Worgens should have the option to have a tail toggle.

think of the worgen balance

they wont be able to balance themselves without a tail


There was never a lore reason not too in the first place, just people not wanting Worgen in particular to get more unique options that made sense for them.


This is laughable. ChatGPT isn’t an authority on history or facts in any regard; it is an AI chat generator that takes its queues from what the user types into it. Whomever generated that essentially ‘coached’ the chatbot to produce what they wanted it to say.

As the Brits would oft reply to such chicanery…“Pull the other one”.

P.S. I’m addressing the content of that post, and are not suggesting that you personally created it.

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I agree, if they are to be purchased, it should be through a proper retail store…

yeah and trying to tell people that the worgen don’t deserve more things when they’ve got barely anything these days is like a wealthy person telling a poor person they’re fine where they’re at and don’t deserve money. Give worgen optional tails, give the males upright postures, give the worgen more customization options than just new fur colors for their worgen form


We shouldn’t need to buy them at all, they should be a free update like every other customization option has been. If they sink so low as to tell us “You want your worgen to have optional tails…then fork over the money” then they’re just showing how morally bankrupt they truly are as that’d be giving we of the worgen community in particular the finger. They’re not doing that to anyone else so why would they single us out for such?


Yeah, and considering that Worgen started out as a Wolf transformation that infected the rest of the Druids being and became contagious it means lore would actually be more in favor of tails then not.


Now is the time to give worgen tails patch :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


By your logic there should not be dark-skinned elves, or gnome priests, or upright orcs, or tauren mages, or troll druids, or any race/class added since classic - because before they were added there hadnt ever been any in wow! Oh look, that includes worgen monks! Considering that their addition to the game was in two separate points where blizzard added to the game. Guess that just makes you a hypocrite

I find every level of you reasoning to be hypocrisy or selfishness considering that the changes being requested are optional. If other people’s characters are that big of a deal that you’d consider quitting when they don’t meet your own standards, then it sounds like a you problem.


Hey, I’m not the one that makes the game, and I prefer them tail-less.

The moment they add tails I’ll stop playing mine.

Lycans, not typical werewolves. I’ve already made my stance on this. Call me names, I don’t care. Just my personal preference against others.

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