Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

They probably did sad to say…now they’re trying to do with worgen what they did to us Dracthyr with that revert to human out of combat toggle. Couldn’t they just give the worgen optional tails rather than making them like a battle form for some folk like they seem to have done to us dracthyr?


They can be quite the Helpful Fox.

That’s a risk with most maids.

And massage parlors.

So it might be worth it lol

Also a possible risk of poison as I’m an assassination rogue so hey while I can most likely give an amazing massage you’d just gotta hope you don’t upset me while i work lol. I do hope worgen get optional tails btw… they’ve been through enough and need some love. More so…before they try coming for my tail… or god forbid take me up on the massage offer and end up removing my tail and sticking me in a maid’s dress XD

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Just don’t confuse the allow lotion with the crippling poison and you’re good.

I hope they don’t consider “Calm the Wolf” to be a major thing. It would be nice to have some actual Worgen updates.

Just make sure you have an escape plan from trees or burrows.

That would be rude. At least the tail removing part.

Don’t need to you can literally look it up on the internet and see pictures of such things like at one point during your development in the womb you would of had a tail which eventually disappeared however for some Humans that doesn’t happen and they’re born with a tail :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I think the Worgen-themed weapons and shields are going to be time-limited exclusive rewards from a new challenge mode thing, too. They’ve got that FOMO look to them IMO.

Not saying that I think the transmog appearances should be time-limited exclusive rewards, but I do warn that there’s a high probability that they will be time-limited exclusive rewards.

I think the Worgen themed swords and shields being time-limited exclusive rewards wouldn’t be great for Worgen since we don’t really have Worgen-themed weapons and shields now other than the staff appearances with the roses on them from the Worgen starting zone. We definitely don’t have Worgen themed shields currently AFAIK, which is unlike most other races in the game at this point.

If the datamined weapons are to be time-limited exclusive rewards, then we should at least get some more basic Worgen/Gilnean themed shields and weapons as well that are not FOMO rewards.

The Shaman axes are definitely Frostwolf Orc themed and the Shaman fist weapons and shields are Tauren themed. The Warrior weapons and shields are not the only datamined class weapons that are themed to a specific playable race.

It would be especially bad if they don’t fix the issue of the “Calm the Wolf” ability not showing up for pre-existing Worgen characters. Worgen characters copied to the 10.1 PTR don’t get the new racial ability last time I checked.

I think 10.1 is adding Dracthyr-style blind eye options to all races in 10.1 IIRC. Still need more customization options for Worgen and other races lacking in customization (human form customization shouldn’t count towards customization options for Worgen form). No race should have only one tab of customization options.


need to get this to 13k

Looks sternly at the camera

I’m Doing My Part!™

Give Worgen Tails


said he has a dream - to get this to 20,000 posts

I have a cute fuzzy tail. I cut it off a vulpera and glued it onto myself.

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First the Drak’thyr start eating them and now this.

on the game character ???

Give Worgen Tails!!! So says I.

Like I said Blizzard could save alot of Vulpera from looking like a certain captain cause Worgen researchers have found that a Worgen only needs a tail and a potion of Giant Growth to make it the correct size.

I made a worgen monk too :>
but I am still invisible on the armory

punchdog hype


Man, all the leather sets from Castle Nathria/Shadowlands Season 1 look so good on Worgen.

it took a couple days I think for mine to show up but I really wish they hadn’t closed the brawler’s guild as I wanted those heirloom fist weapons. They could of at least offered them at the heirloom item vendor when they closed the brawler’s guild. Still… this monk outfit looks nice on my worgen…now I just need a tail to wag while I kick tail

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the black silhouette on armory is that of old worgen model, blizz pls fix.

Battlecruisr not operational

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