Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

The racials and the alpha model as i mentioned.

oh yeah he put so much effort copying the alpha model, human passive, 2 night elf passives, and a random leap. literally a joke to say any effort went into that.

Your opinion, all good.

Do try and avoid private server talk people might try and use that as a reason to lock this thread. On the other handā€¦

Give Worgen optional tails!
Give Worgen a lore correct size!
Give Worgen love!


Donā€™t think Iā€™ve posted support since Iā€™ve served changed but once again here to say give worgen players a tail option!


Because everyone here is so excited with the prospect of more Elvesā€¦ I mean sure, I guess, if it leads to Giving Worgen Tails!

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You think theyd hang the tails onto stuff, like Vulpera do? :thinking:

Yeah because private servers are frowned upon by Blizz so Iā€™m hoping he stops trying to push it here. Last thing we need is our thread to be flagged and taken out because some guy started promoting a private server. I agree worgen need more customizations and tails would be great, dracthyr getting more options as well but yeah I ask the guy pushing that serverā€¦please stop while youā€™re ahead


Regarding WoW, we also have what i believe to be the very first worgen themed weapon and shield since the release of the race:

Honestly every classic race should have had the war front treatment: Full set of weapon + An armor for each type.

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yeah that would of been wild to see, Tauren may of gotten their totem weapons sooner that way but sadly WoWhead says the worgen themed gear is warrior stuff but why brand it with the worgen design if itā€™s for all warriors.

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Still waiting for Worgen to have tails.

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This is horrible, inhumane punishment. Iā€™m dying of boredom having nothing to chase around in circles for hours on end.


You can always find an energetic Gnome or Vulpera with nothing to do.

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to chase or chew on? Although I do hear vulpera give wonderful massages but idk about chewing on them.

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Depends what theyā€™re cool with?

That sounds very nice TBH

I hear if youā€™re overworked sometimes one will appear and start making you dinner and clean.

Though I may be thinking of a different kind of fox.

And unquestionably superior.
Thatā€™s a dungeon Iā€™d like to raid, if you know what I mean.

Try blood elves they last about 3 minutes cause they arenā€™t very fast, but they make great squeaky chew toys when you catch them. You can start with the rude ones!

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Gib worgen tail option.


Some of them might yeah, just gotta be wary of my vulpera Foxy as she might sneak off with your wallet ^^;

Yeah I will agreeā€¦it would of been nice seeing a more feminine figure drakonid like on that card, I mean hey muscles and bulk are alright but itā€™s still a tad awkward not being able to tell the men from the women let alone any that fall in between the two. Itā€™s like they took the big bulky body some wanted for their dracthyr and made all the drakonid use it to save money