Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

The more options the better I’m happy those who want to auto transform are getting it. But still that and the new hair colors ate stuff for the human form and we still have no new love shown for the core form which is our Worgen form. Optional tails, a lore correct size, more fur colors, upright posture for male Worgen the list is quite long. But we will never give up with our requests.


Yeah this would be an amazing option I’d go for immediately with all my worgen. I never use the human form and idk I don’t like even looking at the human model these days but each their own. I’m hoping that option to swap back to human outside of combat they’re giving worgen doesn’t turn into how visage forms are for dracthyr where they can cast some spells without changing as that would be so dumb. Honestly I’m sick and tired of seeing people say they rolled a worgen only to turn beast mode once or twice but stay human…I mean what’s the point then but again each their own.


Maybe if I spend enough money on worgen specific things, Blizzard will catch on that they can make easy bank off of people like me to cover the cost it would take to make said worgen thing.

You hear that Blizzard? Give worgen tails and you’ll make millions!

Also the more I play this new hearthstone expansion, the more it makes me want a worgen DH. Never been a DH fan, but will gladly play one if it’s a worgen just like my worgen monk!


oh wow that card even has a diamond version. Hopefully this is a sign of worgens getting more love


It’s obvious that the Hearthstone team had a ton of fun designing this character and is proud of it:
She has her own hero portrait (the first worgen to have one), is featured in two cards and even have her own diamond card (also a first for a worgen character)
Tss, i have 13/27, a long way to go if i want to get this diamond card.

But don’t forget that the HS team is not the WoW team so if an artist can make any concept he want for a card doesn’t mean that the WoW team will care about it.

If we get the DH class, Halveria could be featured in WoW as a funny DH trainer with her current outfit.


Blizzard needs to remember this is their job.


I like the way DH plays but I can’t stand being an elf to play one so this will be huge for me when it happens. I never understood the hype around elves, we got elves coming out of our ears. Werewolves are tragically under represented in fantasy games/horror movies. Worgen deserve more love and…




Give Worgen Tails!


Either a DH trainer or one of the new bands who play at the darkmoon fair but either way it would be something. I do hope we get tails at one point though… could look rather nice depending on how good the quality of the tail is


yeah I’m honestly sick of elves at this point… always getting new stuff ahead of everyone else and they even forced the dracthyr’s male visage to only be an elf which I’m still not too fond of. Hopefully we see less of elves going forward and more love to worgen including optional tails and more for their worgen form and less for their human one. One can hope we dracthyr get more visage options too after worgen get some love


Check out that video as well, the interesting thing are the racials of the worgen in the same private server i’ve posted here before.


Uh no, I didn’t know about this. But now I want to check it out.

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Couldn’t they give Worgen Tails since it’s a private server?

Forget it, sadly the thread is filling up with posts, either for or against, but it seems that it will only be a bad joke of the worst race that Blizzard imagined of the Drackthyrs.

The result of this customization is becoming more and more needed, as the moment of losing hope that one day will give a true customization to this race is becoming more and more needed.

Im hoping for the best, im trying to chat, spam anything under any of their social media sources to be sure they are about to hear me and do the best for the race. :smiley: It seems the major developer of the project is worgen fan just because of the efforts he put in the race, and also the alpha model, wich is one of my biggest desire since i saw the cata trailer and even wanted it worse when we received the beta trash model. Just because nobody until now put the effort to replace the garbish beta with alpha makes me positive about everything in that project connected with worgens.

IDK why we’re advertising private servers, but what effort did he actually put in?

Talking about private servers could get folk in trouble.

Best to avoid that.


We don’t support private servers here, as much as we like the alpha worgen model and tails they provide.

I’ve mentioned it before, if they want the best of both worlds, make the alpha worgen model a option you can pick, along with the snarly chihuahua face since I know a couple of people that actually liked the 2nd version of the worgen model.

As for tails, maybe a certain Emerald Dream expansion, maybe even a patch wink wink will give us just that seeing as there’s currently a bunch of worgens locked away there ever since the war of the ancient, so who knows what’s become of them since they’re basically locked away in there. Maybe they grew a tail since then. :smiley:


Not that Blizzard is too open to feedback and taking in player suggestions, but I think with the datamined idea that we may be soon visiting the Emerald Dream again for more substantial content, I think it’d be an excellent opportunity to delve more into the Worgen story.

I don’t really have any Worgen characters, particularly because I’m not a fan of playing Humans which the playable Worgen partially are. I’d love the opportunity for the playable race to be expanded, ideally in a way that unlocks more visually appealing customization options.

Emerald Dream

I think it would be a very appealing story if the Emerald Dream was under a renewed threat, ignited by a desire for the World Tree Seed being stored inside to be captured by an enemy force.

There are hints of a 5th Old God presence, and I think it’d be interesting if that entity wanted to try and claim the seed. Mind you, I wouldn’t want that to succeed but rather it’s done to reveal this new enemy force.

The Worgen would be called upon to defend the seed, and learn that a new Void presence has awoken. This Void presence (with the 5th Old God as the puppet master) has awoken the original Worgen slumbering inside the Emerald Dream, corrupting and twisting them.

With the help of Goldrinn, they’d be defeated and some that may have a chance could perhaps be purified. These original, now purified Worgen, could open the way for Worgen having the option to be Night Elves.

With continued resistance/offence, the dark presence could be pushed out of the Emerald Dream and ensuring the safety of the World Tree seed. As a reward for his gratitude, Goldrinn could bless the Worgen which can grant them a tail.

Maybe even Emerald Dream themed (and maybe Emerald Nightmare themed since I love the Void so much) options could come too.


One idea I’ve thought of, is if they give dracthyr more races for their visage form, it opens up the idea for worgens being able to be other races such as night elves, only thing is you’d have to make it so only worgens coming out of exile’s reach can be other races off the bat since it would be weird starting up a night elf in Gilneas, then let you pick the other race options after you leave the worgen starting zone.

As for the Emerald Dream stuff, I’m 100% with you there. Blizzard as of late has been providing more worgen stuff with hearthstone having a worgen as the face of the new expansion, the minor changes such as changing back to human form out of combat which people have requested for ages, little things here and there. I feel like they’re getting the minor stuff out of the way so they can focus heavily on worgen once we hit the emerald dream patch in either 10.2 or 10.3 as it’s been data mined and hinted at.

Time will tell. For now, we keep an eye out as the patches keep coming at a fast pace. Steve Denuser was being sarcastic in his tone when mentioned about worgen tails, so it’s only a matter of time now. Hopefully worgens finally get the customizations we missed out on in Shadowlands and more once we get to the Emerald Dream!