Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Its kinda weird how he…does this, but hey, if it’s how Worgen get tails so be it.


I was under the impression it was ambiguous, that it could be either the Worgen Arugal pulled into our reality or a Gilnean that had been by the released Worgen cursed.
Having Two Forms and being unable to select Night Elf as an option for your alternate form throws a bit of a wrench into that ambiguity, but blizzard tends to be very lazy with such things.

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Idk…I’m kinda glad worgen can’t turn into night elves…we got enough elves as is and now that they’ve revealed worgen are getting a shift to human out of combat mechanic… only they’d shift to night elf. I…gave up on asking why they do things a while ago as trying to figure out the why is a real headache. I mean while I’d love more visage options for dracthyr I hate how the visage has a mechanic to it besides cosmetic appearance. I mean I didn’t roll a dracthyr to play as an elf or human but supposedly that’s wrong of me? Now Worgen are getting a toggle to shift human out of combat but I don’t play worgen to be human but… yeah idk. My worgen gals have long since accepted they’re not human any longer and see their former human selves as weak and fragile which they don’t like being anymore… so I’d never use said toggle. I’ll be mad if they give it more than a cosmetic mechanic though like dracthyr…don’t think they will but never can be sure with Blizz these days. Just hoping worgen get tails at some point and they’re not just dangling the idea possibility before us like a fisherman does bait to a fish




I need Worgen tails

Also I want to be able to drop on all fours and run free at anytime! I’d also like to remove dark flight and then move at 40% speed when not able to mount and then mount speed when able to. I feel that with new races having flight/advanced movement it wouldn’t be game breaking. Tons of races and classes have advanced movement capabilities so this should be balanced.


In fact in dragonflight we have seen designers and blizzard in general to be more present with the comunity feedback so… We can hope worgen tails will be a thing anytime soon!


Last time this happened it was about Dark Rangers, and the Void Elves had a joke about “San’layn, totally different emo elf~” and now Darkfallen are playable in general.

Have hope.
Cause we did and got what we asked for.


We will see but I’m still thinking more Worgen stuff if we head to the Emerald Dream.

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Continuing the discussion from Give Worgen Tails:

A few general comments: The Worgen DK storyline have Lord harford specifically state that the Player escaped from Shadowfang Keep presumably sometime between the end of Warcraft III and the start of WoW, so they are proper Gilneans, although, no reason to suggest they underwent ritual of Balance so Lore-wise should not have ability to take human form.
As for Worgen tails, I 110% believe this needs to happen. I would love a short Heritage armour styled questline where you do some favour for Goldrinn say, in return for which he grants you the tail option much as one might receive a title as reward.
Also I totally love JohnWulffe’s animation! That my friends is a thing of beauty! Add it as a dance option in-game along with the tail!


Yeah supposedly the LK domination magic (ironically) broke the madness. Dk’s cannot be insane I guess? Have to be lucid all the time which is almost a horror in itself. But yeah human form wouldn’t make sense? Unless they could do the ritual of balance off screen after fiishing it.

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I’d say that depends on your definition of insanity.
Extreme masochism and an eternally keening desire to enact violence on things may qualify.


the goal isto get this to 14k posts

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gib tails!

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Give tails, and fix it so Worgen don’t lose Worgen form going into Arena.


Let the worgen have tails!

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what if they had 5 tails at a time

You don’t give up the gimmick, do you Felleynd?


Eh…he’s not so bad. His silliness helps with the post count, and with keeping the thread near the top.



Give worgen tails.


We have 3 years of keeping this thread at the top where it belongs. We will not stop till Worgen get tails. Any questions?