Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Fenelon mentioned that earlier. Not something I ever see myself using but I like to think it’s the result of Blizzard updating the Worgen code base with the dracthyr customization options which is VERY encouraging.


That’s actually exactly what happened to worgens when we got the human customization in Shadowlands. They updated the code so druids can customize their druid form options separately, soon after we got separate human worgen customization, although they lazily just gave us human customization and nothing unique with it, then called it a day.


I will not use it either, if i wanted to play a human, i would have played the human race.

Same for the Dracthyr: Why would i use the visage form? If i made a reroll, it’s to play a dragon not a simili human / elf.

Maybe there’re players who saw an interest to use this ability to be in human form, but i fail to see one personaly.


I swear that would be great for Gilneans and Worgen in General besides Class base.

A friend of mine shared an interesting link:

Take note on this one:

The icons there give us some clues on what’s coming:

  • There’re two Forsaken tabards and a dwarf one: It could mean two things:
    It’s only the revamp of the icons.
    The devs will release new HD tabards or replace the old ones.
  • A lot of racial stuff is coming: Dwarf, worgen, lightforged and even troll.
    For the later, the icon seems to show a 2h sword for Darkspear trolls, meaning that they will finally get HD equipments after so many years.

The fact that they are working on racial equipments could mean that eventualy, each race will have a full set of racial weapons like the Humans, Kaldorei, Orc and Forsaken.

The only problem regarding the worgen is… this damn awful heritage armor set!
Take a look at the sword and shield, do you really see these weapons matching with this armor?


Watch Gnomes get tails by accident. Hah…ha…
:beers: :dracthyr_lulmao:

if Gnomes get tails first I’ll happily join the worgen in hunting them to extinction lol. An in game version of a riot that gnomes got something the worgen community has been asking for all this time. If gnomes don’t get tails though and worgen do however… I’ll happily toast to that and learn to punt gnomes less XD

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Kinda funny, honestly.

I myself love worgens, and don’t make many or even play many due to their lack of customisation in their worgen form compared to others. It still kinda sucks there isn’t lots of height options, i can get behind that, but the option for tail when Dracthyr, Tauren, Vulpera, and all these other races have options to have tail (even if for tauren its just brushed or messy if i remember correct)? Having the option for tail or no tail would be amazing, make me wanna actually play Worgen again, and a good way of at least showing they actually see the worgen communities requests.


I finally hit a point where I feel I can hang up my wow career for good. After 16 years of wow I would like to make a final post in a forum very dear to me and say 3 words one more time.

Give Worgen Tails <3


Give worgen tails, or at least a nub.

Going on 13k posts! Kinda crazy, I think at this point blizz should just make it an option to have a tail or not. I can’t see it being to hard to add in


Hello post 13111 here.


Give worgen tails


Hey don’t be like that, we still need to earn our frequent punt miles.
I almost have enough for a free trip to booty bay!
With all this inflation, the prices at the flight master are getting out of hand.

okay then I’ll punt Gnomes more often and help out with those miles lol. Worgen need to get tails first though

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A little Pepe stopped by to show support for Worgen tails! Listen to Pepe Blizzard give Worgen Optional tails.


I want to continue playing wow but the lack of tail on my worgen just doesn’t allow me to be invested in it.
That and many other things that they did worgen dirty
But I know that finally having a tail will 100% make me want to play it again


The Danuser sarcastic reply is very promising, actually.
I think they’ve heard us, worgen customization is on their radar in 10.1.5 or something, and tails will definitely be a consideration!


I’m confused about this and i want it so bad… :exploding_head: :smiley:

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I have a feeling it might be in 10.2 since we actually got a datamine on where we’re going next…
Click bellow if you don’t care about spoilers.

10.2 SPOILER So it's been datamined that we might end up going in to the Emerald Dream next patch. One topic that really caught my interest as of late, mainly cause I'm a worgen DK myself that originated from there(Yes, Worgen DKs are not actually Gilneans lore wise. That's a whole other topic), is the fact that there are worgens just hanging around in the Emerald Dream. If any time there is to introduce us to not just new worgens, but tailed worgens in general, it's the Emerald Dream.

As we saw before, Goldrinn was just hanging around infront of the Emerald Dream gateway in Duskwoods last we saw him. Who’s to say that the worgens inside the Emerald Dream were gifted by Goldrinn since we last saw em? This could result in granting em a tail as a result from that gift as some of us have theorized could happen if worgens did end up getting a gift from him.

This patch right here is the perfect opportunity to give worgens more customizations and more. I’m fine with having to wait longer if it means worgens will finally get a redemption arc.