Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

One thought is it’s going the way like how dark iron got heritage weapons but…these don’t match the heritage armor at all so these are no doubt for something else worgen related


Its backwards or I might have seen that. I was actually thinking just the other day how I didn’t like the current Gil’nean crest used on tabards and such because it is all worgen-ish but supposedly from pre worgen times.

Automatically turning into a human out of combat=i sleep
Being able to choose the gilnean human voice while in worgen form=Meow we’re talkin’


So…I found the answer for what the worgen stuff are about… um… idk why they’re worgen themed but uh…yeah seem to be for warriors according to this twitter link I found


Give dragon’s the same thing so it stops putting me in visage, thanks.

More options is always a good thing. If you don’t want to go into human form, don’t press the spell. that simple.


Or, roll a Worgen to not be human. Mmhm!

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well yeah. I say the same thing to dragons who don’t like dragon form, but I’m not complaining that visage exists

The visage one would make more sense if they could be ANY race but yeah.


Another possible tempered excitement moment; all of these class-themed mog-fodder models could very likely just end up plopped into the Trading Post.

At least there is something Gilnean themed, though.

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i want a worgen visage


Heritage Quest 2 would be my guess.

Unless we get new colors for the Heritage Set?

Here’s hoping.


Oh very nice!

This I do want… or at least a different voice. I just don’t enjoy my worgens voice so much.

That… is maddening a bit.

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yeah it’d be nice if my worgen gals could sound well…less chain smoker like at times. I mean i get it the voice gets more deep and feral like for worgen form but then why does Fiona sound perfectly normal? I mean ever since cata Fiona the worgen has been about and sounds perfectly fine where as they make female worgen players sound sorta chain smoker like?


Interestingly, in Shadowlands there are several instances where you encounter the souls of worgen and they’re in worgen form. That implies that any human visage is just that, an illusion. Worgen are worgen, not some kind of cursed human.


I wish we could chose multiple voices. At least 3 per race/gender.

There is also that one… (Priest?) garrison follower who sounds like a human.

I too like the British Accent for reasons.

Don’t forget Celestine of the Harvest she has a non 3000000 year smoker voice too.

Guess you gotta be a night elf.

Doesn’t the shield also have the sigil of gilneas? or am I imagining that?

It’s class themed, damn it!
The first worgen weapons since Cataclysm and it’s class locked! I have a reroll but still i couldn’t help but think that this is stupid.


We got a new racial ability:é-raciale-pour-les-worgens-dans-la-mise-à-jour-10-1-revenez-331763

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