Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Pick a lane. Either we are talking about current design, or we are talking about design in 2004.

Yep! All of the above. Draeni as they stand now are a massive redesign and retcon, even from post WoW launch. That’s why he is dodging this so hard.


There’s one thing at least


That’s nice. Now I’d like an option to not shift out of Worgen form when zoning into arena.

Vulpera camp placement was originally reset when zoning into arena. :skull:


Honestly dude it sounds like you’re trying to hold onto straws on your end not the other way around.


Given the choice between hope and despair I’ll go with hope. It requires a little more effort but it’s worth it, and the payoff can be enormous (and fluffy!).

Hope springs eternal

Give Worgen a tail option!


We all stick to hope. There are some like myself who that autotransform means nothing. I never use Two Forms as my character sees her old human form as a much weaker version of herself. But that said Im happy for it to be an option for those who want it as more choices are always better. Come on Blizzard give us the optional tail.


I might use it on my worgen monk, but yeah other than that, I’ll pass on it like I pass on the evoker one. I do hope they give us optional tails though!

Not be a downer but… yeah, not much excitement about this for me.


It’s the opposite of what I want. If I wanted to play human I’d play human.


Thinking about it now, lore wise, DKs shouldn’t even be able to shapeshift in to human since they are pure worgens that Arugal summoned from the emerald dream. So yeah, if you lore nuts are all about sticking to the lore, remember that worgen dks should not be able to transform in to human at all. xD

So yeah, give worgen tails. At least that we can come up with tons of reasons it can be lore friendly. ;D


Give worgen gales

Wive torgen gails

I hope there is more coming with that as idk the option to revert to human while out of combat is not even on my list of wants. What’s next they add a passive mana regen or something that’ll make people start telling me I’m playing my race wrong despite it being minor. If they add this passive fine but I’m ignoring it as I hate the way the humans look


Not a downer, it’s just nice to see something.

I don’t think I’ll use it on more than maybe one of my worgen.

I’m sure plenty of folk feel the same.

Some though have been requesting something like this and I’m glad for them.

It better not end up with some passive buff.

I don’t even agree with the Dracthyr version having that.

This should only be an option for those who want it not something anyone would be forced to use min/maxing or not.

Female worgen didn’t exit until cata.

Yeah I hate that they made the visage dracthyr have have such a thing as increased health regen aura. It promotes the negative behavior I’ve had to deal with where people tell me I’m playing my dracthyr wrong by never using my visage toggle. Not my damage or healing or how I handle fights oh no…all because I don’t use the visage toggle as I don’t want to be an elf or human as my dragon. If they give the toggle for worgen somehting as dumb I’ll probably quit again or regrettably put my worgen gals tot he side and not touch them as I’m sick of folk who tell me I’m playing a race wrong because of a minor thing. Not the class itself nope…the race… it saddens me there’s such people out there that do this but sadly there is. Here’s hoping worgen get tails though… tails would rock


Looks like we’re getting worgen themed weapons next patch. Looks like Blizzards cooking something up with worgens.


those look pretty cool for sure, maybe we’re working on regaining gilneas? Would be a nice time for the tails to happen via a blessing of goldrinn. Also found a tweet today that’s tame but I’m wondering if I can post it here and not get yelled at… it’s 100% tame but i’ve been flagged for tame stuff before

aw maw with it… I’ll give it a try


I wanted to be a Debbi downer and say there are other wolf things like shamans and such, then I saw the roses.

Well not just that, but specifically the shield has the gilnean crest on it. So it’s 100% made with worgen in mind.