Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Those designs are from 2009. WoW was released in 2004.

So, how about digging up some obscure art designs that no one remembers from 2003 or something.

Give Gnolls playable.


Almost like that was when cata was announced.


they only look good with tails. They look like bamboons without them. Looking at them from behind (how you usually have to look at them) is absolutely awful.



Are you seriously trying to make your point by saying that the cataclysm concept art is wrong? Why don’t you go look what draeni looked like in 2004. Guess what appendage they also didn’t have at the time!


Sure thing little lizard here you go:

Female Troll model from WoW’s Alpha. Anything else you want to see?

Oh and just for the record. Those were the concept art for Worgen. They even made it into the special edition book art. So yes they are old but then again so is Cata at this point. Anything else you want to know about WoW’s history?

Oh and fun fact. This druid was made back in 04. Yes she was a night elf back then but this druid is older than most characters here. So yes things can be rather old in a MMO thats been around for years.


Always love that the official Cataclysm collector’s edition has a tailed worgen in the book.
I await for the day that Blizzard finally follows the concept art and add in tails just like the did with the straight back orcs that were also in the vanilla wow collector’s edition. :smiley:

That time will soon fall upon us!


We can hope.


earlest depiction of a female worgen EVEr in wow.


It would be nice to finally have this request fulfilled.

Hopefully they can have some of the other Worgen things done as well.

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Since when are we supposed to give credibility to what he says?
Half of the time it’s just bullsh… as we don’t see it in game or book.

If it was from the lead artist team, yes it would have been credible but from Danuser? Not a chance.

It’s like I said, he poked fun at dark rangers, then not long after we were shown Dark Rangers as a cosmetic appearance. The way he said “I don’t know what you’re talking about” really spells it out too that he’s joking around.

We’re at the highest point ever when it comes to getting our OPTIONAL tails. We’re so close!


I understand why you believe that’s what I was doing, since my dig was intentionally vague. My sarcasm was meant to be more subtle than that though, and be taken in two ways; if he was being serious, then it was actually a quip questioning his credibility. If he was joking, then it was to convey that our wishes are once again just a subject of developer amusement. I can’t be the only one to find their unwillingness to give us some hope a bit tiresome.

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I tend to equate this effort with trying to farm a very rare mount. You know it’s unlikely with any single attempt, yet you never lose your desire to try nor your belief that your own dogged determination will make it happen, eventually.

We can try to be hopeful…as Cow is doing above…that the sparse acknowledgment we’ve received so far, being in the form of dubious humor, is a sign that we will eventually get the tail, and possibly other appearance options. On the other hand, the lack of open confirmation could mean that they have no intention of providing said option(s), but realize how unpopular a decision that would be. Significant subscription losses have occurred for less, so they may well be remaining silent to keep us ‘on the hook’. Both of these possibilities highlight their continued failure to understand the resentment we feel for their lack of communication.

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Constantly bringing up some Cata concept art is grasping at non-existent straws.

Worgen have been in WoW since day 1. Did you get about Shadowfang Keep and Duskwood?

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It would be grasping at straws if they hadn’t been significantly changed from those initial vanilla assets.

The differences between a player model and an npc model are often drastic, the addition of a tail for players was clearly considered in their revamp of the Worgen for Cataclysm.

To ignore that is to be willfully ignorant.

Whether you like it or not they were considered with tails. Blizzard ultimately appears to have cut that option during development for whatever reason, but players still want it and are still requesting it. Its valid on the merit of people requesting it alone, but since it was under consideration by Blizzard itself its very valid and pertinent to the Worgens continued customization discussions.


Correct. They looked like this

Something the concept art also shows that must be a

is females.

Also, did you remember to do this?

Let me know what you turn up!


Actually I’ve never heard bout this. Whats up with it? No tail? What did they look like back then? Was it just the WC3 version still?

We’re not talking about Draenei, we’re talking about Worgen. Please, try and keep up.

Why would gender matter? Im guessing its because those straws keep slipping away.