Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

This… Thread isn’t necroed… It’s been alive and well since its creation.



Necroed from… 7 hours ago? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Give Worgen Tails!


what if the tails glowed in the dark

You don’t give up do you, Felleynd?

They’re very persistent.

On another note seems the harlequin outfit is bugged…got it tonight and put it on and now my vulpera seems to well… yeah. Hoping when worgen get tails nothing buggy happens with them but… I know that may be asking much given my current situation from wearing something new lol.

idk, the set… looks nice. Jest er… right. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:
though i expected the ears not to clip through the head item… surprising the clipping has gone beyond the normal expectations. :dracthyr_a1:

Buggy tails is… fine if it eventually gets fixed. the first hurdle of getting them needs to happen so we can jump over the buggy hurdle of getting it fixed which is what would come after. cant cross a bridge you are not at yet.

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Give Worgen Tails!

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well it’s kinda funny I mainly got the harlequin outfit for well okay maybe four reasons, one being I used to play Loki a lot when I dabbled in Smite and he had a jester outfit I’d wear and laugh my butt off as I shanked folk and well… given my assassination spec as this character invovles stabbing people it felt… too right to do. I get to relive those days in a sense… second reason being I needed to get it for the achievement to get the warden armor to progress forward, and well third I’ve been looking for a sort of mask transmog ever since I’d taken a liking to persona 5…and last but not least…the hood has parts to keep my ears warm… so…yeah no surprised it’s bugging out like it is…at least I didn’t turn into a red void walker though or god forbid pink. Here’s hoping though that worgen get optional tails even if they gotta go so far as to stick the option as an item you have to buy from the trading post to unlock the option in the barber shop.

Give Worgen Tails!


Give Worgen optional tails and just more customization options in general that aren’t tied to our human form.


I would also like to see the visage form button that dracthyr have given to worgen too.


Give Worgens a long wolf tail.

Even if it’s just a toggle option, like with void elf hair tentacles.


if they do that I’d hope it’s not a seemingly forced mechanic like dracthyr with their visage giving increased health regen because that’d just sour the idea of playing worgen for me as I don’t play them to be a dang human more than the worgen form


Oh for sure it would be an optional thing although tbh with dracthyr the heal is barely noticeable

barely noticeable but I still get folk bad mouthing me for never making use of it, I’d grow sick of that stuff real fast if that happened to me on my worgen too. I’m alright with more customization and tails but I can do without a toggle to make the human form viable. If the human form got the same treatment as dracthyr visages it’d start to feel like I’m just playing another human and I don’t play WoW to be human.




Give Worgen Tails!

Hmm… When was the last time he was being sarcastic about something…

And now we wait :wink:

Worgen tails incoming. Prepare yourselves!