Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

It’s already there in the dragonriding customization.

Yes, but they have to turn it on for the Barbershop itself. Otherwise it would be there now.

And again they are already adding more to customization in these updates. Its perfectly reasonable to anticipate them continuing to do so and to potentially be gearing up for a larger drop.

Like say in 10.1.

Also I can see tails eventually happening for worgen in the future.

But I’m going to add onto this something that I wish for that will literally never happen: Worgen females need to have their head sit straight up on their neck like they did in the beta models, instead of hunched forward. And have actual hairstyles instead of a mane. It ruins the look of so many different armors.


what if you had 10 tails?

Meanwhile Hearthstone has female worgens with actual hair styles, especially that last one that has the new modern worgen look with a natural hair style.

Blizzard robbed us of our hair styles, and we want it back. :dracthyr_cry_animated:


what if the worgen had a quest where they steal tails from Valupas

Worgen paladins when?!


what if you were a saberon ninja

Ew, double-no.

what if you became a smurf??

Report the troll and don’t reply to him we don’t need this thread locked too.


The first two have something close to true wolf ears too.
I wish to have this option to make my character closer to the vision i have of a werewolf.

That and a tail of course.


They seem to be giving out colorful hairstyles. To Orcs and Humans at least.

I wonder what worgen would like with them…

Here’s a perfect clue that this guy’s a troll… he’s combining the words Vulpera and Chalupa. I’m sorry but I’m not a taco, all for worgen getting tails though. Back under your bridge you go troll

Yeah but, and I may be wrong, here but it seems like they chopped the worgen paladin’s tail off. Honestly worgen would look amazing with tails, truly a shame that blizz is going out of their way to give elves and humans everything they want but they’re being so cruel to worgen by denying them and keeping them at the bottom as far as customizations go. Meanwhile they give Dracthyr the ugly human and elf visage and a mechanic that forces people to peer pressure us into being visage which i dislike. Here’s hoping they fix things by giving worgen optional tails and actual hair styles and the love they deserve…then give us dracthyr the ability to be races other than human or elf for our visage.

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no… but someone does need to go back to school to learn basic 1 2 3 math. and pre school shape matching round blocks into round holes.


if not fired for getting the foot prints that bad…then at least their paycheck takes a hit as come on how in the world does one mess up that bad? Worgen having paw prints that convey four toes yet they only got three? The Dracthyr having four toes yet leaving basically chicken footprints in their wake? They probably think this is hilarious but no this is a big middle finger to some folk as it makes zero sense

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only way i can see how it happened was not even making assets for them. they just linked the models with the closest existing art assert. map paw print to creature with paws. no QA checking that it made sense.

but if they can do that… and Gnolls have tail assets that exist but are separate from the model already… maybe worgen tails could be as easy as drawing a linked map to pull the tail asset.


Give Worgen Tails!

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Oh no!! There is a necromancer thread riser coming around. This zombified necro thread has now arisen. Everyone run!!!