Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I only meant my personal taste.

so like puss in boot does before he stabs a guy? If so I approve lol. “Aw they’re so cute, totally letting our guards down. Oh no they’re attacking but oh so cute we’re not going to fight back” lol

Hmm…I like the straight back model better…more intimidating and makes the guy look proud. If they did something like this alongside tails I’d happily make a worgen guy to go with my list of worgen ladies. I honestly was going to back in Cata before they altered the models the way they did and the hunch… idk…the hunch just looked painful so I only made female worgens. Hmm I wonder if they’ll unhunch the tauren as well… idk why they make the bestial races hunched over…


The thing is, that IS the worgen model as it exists right now. Most animations are fine, but certain stand and walk (and dance) animations fubar the whole thing.

Give Worgen Tails!

Hmm, for some reasons this thread has been closed: Worgen Customization Mega Thread - #2480 by Wesensart-whisperwind

So we can only rely on this topic to ask for more customizations options.

They’ve let this thread rock for so long, I’d be sad if they closed it. Here’s to 20k, eventually.
I still want to see Worgen tail options, among other customisations for by far my favourite playable race.


Well, we’ll make another one if it happens.


I heard that you can actually give a Worgen a tail but it requires a plugin.


Someone should try to submit a ticket.

It was due to trolls going in there and bombarding the thread with hate, thus the bot automatically closed it.

A couple of us put out a ticket, hopefully it gets reversed as this thread got hit with a similar attack ages ago and got brought back.

This is why I say never engage the trolls.
Best to just ignore em and pretend they don’t exist. I understand arguing over lore and such, but just straight up being hateful is a whole other thing we should just simply report and move on from.


Someone should try a post down in the support forums.

I had to do that when some people tried to actively get my thread for void elves locked out.

Give Worgen Tails!

I’m not happy atm to find out they shut down the thread full of customization options we are asking for because of a pathetic troll. The moderator should know better.


Yeah thats really messed up. Its clearly a thread for customizations and a few bad people trying to shut it down shouldn’t be cause to actually shut it down.


Well that’s a stretch.

How so? It’s pretty clearly something they bothered to put in. They wouldn’t waste the time if they didn’t intend to use it. Further continued additions of minor hair colors being spread around very much suggests they intend to continue adding further customization.

Obviously this isn’t the end of customization updates, but basing that on a feature that has been used to signify new dragonriding customization, and clearly shares many similar coding elements to the barbershop ui, is just being naive

I disagree. They had to actually add it to it. Otherwise it would already have been there at this time before that update.

They’re adding it with a purpose.

I think it definitely suggests that they intend to continue adding customizations. I can’t even fathom why you would think otherwise?

The amount of furries that would sub/resub to the game if worgen got tails would be enormous. Blizzard really should be pandering more to the furry market, they tend to be wealthy individuals with lots of disposable income.