Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give worgen optional tails like how pandaren can pick to have a tail or not. Should be top of the priority list for worgen customizations. IF their human form gets anything it should be changed to be unique and not a stormwind human clone. After worgen get caught up I want pandaren visage form for dracthyr…oh and vulpera. Give me a reason to use the visage form at all besides being guilt tripped by party members for not using the passive healing caused by visage. Give NOTHING to humans or elves till worgen get justice by getting caught up in customization options and optional tails #GiveWorgenTails


Give Worgen Tails!

Oh, look, the steak delivery has arrived.

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Even goblins have tails!
We call them Vulpera.

Rude sir, we vulpera are not goblins. Goblins would sell their own family for a quick coin where as we vulpera wouldn’t dare. Also we’re just cuter in general…worgen deserve tails either way though

Now now…

Can I sell my family and then steal them back later?


Give Worgen Tails!

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I refer to that as Weaponized Adorability ®.

#GiveWorgenTails…just not ours.


Give Worgen tails, snout options, a straight back, more fur colors and Gilneas.


I don’t even mind being hunched forwards!

…but Gilneas… Yes, would be nice to do something with that zone again. I also just recalled seeing a concept for a “Gilnean Quarter” that could’ve replaced the ruined Park District in SW before we finally got Lion’s Rest there instead.

Man, so much potential for Worgen and Gilneas stuff in general.

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So with the added feature of new customization options being highlighted in the character customization/barber shop screen, it defnitely highlights the fact that we won’t just be getting hair colors this expansions, but plenty more to come in the future. My money is on 10.1.5. Sure it’s just simple hair retextures now, but for all we know, they’ve gone back to working on character customization stuff since they finished working on dracthyr, once again working on thee abandoned character customization project we were promised in Shadowlands.

I know you have those tails you’re working on Blizzard… don’t think we forgot about the tail skeleton and the hole where a tail is supposed to be at that we spotted in the beta!


It ruins anything to do with the chest.


my favorite example of this is any 3D plate piece where the 3D chest armor like digs in to your stomach, or in this case, folds in to itself…


Not saying I wouldn’t appreciate and prefer a more upright stance for my worgen blokes, just out of all the complaints for lack of customization options (and Gilneas itself still being squandered), being stooped forwards is something I’d put up with for a bit more if getting everything else was addressed. XP

based midnight scarf enjoyer


The pink was a hard pass. The black… well…


Now what if we start punting Elves? All Elves will be punted till Worgen get tails!


It can work with the right outfit, I think.
Plus I just like that a piece of commoner’s clothing would come in such a bright color. I love me browns and greens and earthy tones, but I also enjoy a splash of something more now and then.

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Elves are awkward to punt, with how lanky and wiry they are, unlike gnomes. However, if you grip one about the waist, they can be yeeted like a javelin rather well.


If possible I’d like to be punted gently but I’ll take the hit.

This I just want to see. Let me get my helmet.