Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give Worgen Tails!


they all fell off when they got cursed

Gib Wuggos Tails!


I guess you are not talking about giving worgen players bottom companions, right.

But I wonder how the logistics of having a tail and keeping your pants during transformation:

I mean…I’d bottom for the right wuggo OwO

Give Worgen Tails!

Worgen Paw and Paw print.

Dracthyr Foot

Someone needs to be fired…


Ugh! Its such a simple thing too!

Like they’re player characters… I wouldn’t expect correct footprints for like Saurok right now or furbolg but the player characters? Come on Blizz…


OP is not even a worgen. /smh

She used to be but race changed after a few years.


Literally doesn’t matter but as Asheru says they changed race later on when they lost hope.

People support or stand for what they stand for. Their character race really doesn’t matter. Don’t be childish.


Give worgen nails.

Can’t personally relate to playing a race for what I wish they would have

I imagine most people play them for the story or the coolness or what have you.

I wouldn’t expect anyone to specifically play a race merely for the potential… I can’t say with any certainty that there aren’t people like that though.

Still just never understand people who worry about what someone is playing for what they are requesting… sillyness.

I have a couple of friends like that myself. Sure they’re few and far between, but people have actually quit because their favorite race gets no love what so ever. I know a few people who will come back the moment they give worgens more stuff, one of which said they’ll sub for life if they get a tail.

All I’m saying is, when Shadowlands came out, a ton of people played worgens, but after a long while of no customization like they promised we would get over time during the expansion, you saw a lot less worgens.


Oh, no hate or anything for folk like that.

We all like what we like.

Worgen really didn’t make out well with customization as it seems blizzard thought of them as humans with fuzzy forms.

Blizzard really should have put the full effort into customizations that players deserved rather than treat it like a cash grab.

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Im a pvp player who cares about racials and skills that are + for pvp. But the other thing i really enjoy is the look of my character. Instead of making human,nelf, or di dwarf i went for a worgen because of the awesomness to play as dam* werewolf. As once i said here in that thread, i payed not small amount of money just because of the rumors for new customizations. Customizations matters for most of the people, so stop just reading the comments(employes) and do something about that, that’s one of the most massive threads and all people are complaining about customization. It’s just that simple, do something real, not just hair colors or lazy stuff like that. I respect all the work you guys are doing, but for real don’t act like nothing is hapens, give us the things we are asking for as paying customers.


I happened to catch her the day she race changed, it was around the time Blizzard was adding some questionable Elune lore in Shadowlands. She said she did it for the better racials but she would have to go back of Blizzard gave worgen tails.


imagine playing for racials

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Your wish is granted but it’s a Taurens tail.

Creates worgen character, makes second account, creates vulpera & has it move in sync with my worgen.

I… I did it!
:face_holding_back_tears: :heartpulse:

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