Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

You only have four fingers, you can’t flip me the bird. :stuck_out_tongue:

It would be nice as well to be able to customize the color of the beard to match the fur color, not when i go for a black fur and when to choose from the beards, all of them are brighter and it’s ruining the whole aesthetic. And maybe separeted mane corolor from fur color?


Hence the 3. :slight_smile:

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I’ll be honest… I don’t care what order it comes in. Both races deserve better… all races deserve to be on par with the Dracthyr’s level of customizations.


Compared to other games even the Dracs have a pathetic amount of customizations. Just saying. :sweat_smile:


Don’t remind me. I like to pretend that its a matter of the old code at this point…

But I think its really more a matter of the will.


100% agree with you there.


yes but elves belong at the very bottom of that list… they’ve been spoiled rotten and i’m sick of some elves and their “Ha we’re better than you all as we get more options” BS some among the elves have been doing. Worgen belong at the top of the list for new options and a ton of them alongside optional tails. Enough is enough Blizz can’t be picking favorites no longer if they want their numbers up again… worgen have been treated like beaten step children getting barely anything and that needs to stop. Humans and Elves should get absolutely NOTHING till worgen catch up to everyone else. Dracthyr only having an elf or human visage made it very clear who the favorite children are and that’s just wrong. Worgen above all others need more options and second on the list is Dracthyr need more visage options.

I dare you to try…I’ll happily enjoy my new dracthyr skin boots lol. Dracthyr got nicer tails take theirs first.

Actually that means they can as that fourth finger is the thumb


I never really had any care for who was next on any particular lists. Blizzard gonna do what they gonna do.

I just want more customizations for my toons and since I play a little of everything, one way or another I’ll be quite happy either way.

I do have a particular interest in Void Elves, tis true, but even then I’m content to wait until Blizzard gets around to it.

Ideally they would have always done everyone at the same time if I had the option to determine anything… and it would have been much more even across the board. Dracthyr level customization would be a good start for everyone.

All that showed was Blizzard being lazy as hell.

If I were to say someone didn’t need more right now it would be literally the Dracthyr.

Even then though… I just don’t see the point. I just want Blizzard to equalize everyone so all players and characters have actual good options.

If you’re not going to do it right the first time you shouldn’t have done it at all.

I know. I just wanted to rib em on the fingies. No gosh dang idea why Blizzard thought taking a finger away makes sense. lol

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Gib Wuggos Tails!


Feels weird not having a tail to be honest. Give tails!


Yes! I need more wuggo floof that i can sink into and bury my face in.



You think that’s bad worgen got three toes…yet their foot prints got four toes. Dracthyr are even worse as they got four toes but leave chicken footprints in their wake, not even reptilian footprints nope chicken footprints lol


This one I knew about.

Weren’t they also backwards like vulpera footprints for awhile?

This is new to me and utterly ridiculous!

Give Worgen Tails!


I think what they are lacking is time, they know that adding more customizations options is very popular among the players.

But they have to set priorities so it’s a safe bet to believe that’s a side project done on free time rather than on high priority.

They should hire an artist specifically devoted to this task so we could have something each patch.


Gib Wuggos Tails!


I got an idea. How about we give no more to elves and #GiveWorgenTails and #GiveWorgenLove and #GiveWorgenGilneasBack


While elves certainly do get more attention than Worgen, I really despise the “we vs them” mentality in the wow community. Thanks to the devs and all the forced separation of races and players of course and because they noticeable neglect certain groups of their playerbase.
Compared to other games however the amount of customizations for elves is laughable.
All races should receive a decent amount of customizations and not just 5 hair colors or so every few months for maybe one or two of the races.
There shouldn’t be a specific order in which races get their new stuff. If they don’t have enough peeps to work on customizations, then they should hire more people. It’s a big f*** company with a lot of money. Just saying. :sweat_smile:


Yeah true. But when it comes to the elves, both only got what they got because of 2 groups fighting each other over pixels on a computer screen. But it is silly with the course the Devs have made when it came to the customizations. They’ve should’ve been on “every race gets equal amount of options”. And it isn’t just elves that got little in terms of customizations too.

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