Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Gib Wuggos Tails!

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Sad to say but this is exactly what they keep doing… the worgen form gets a few things but everything else goes to the worthless human form that outside of just walking around and RPing is entirely worthless as a worgen. I mean it’s salt in the wounds when in Shadowlands we saw that worgen aren’t even human anymore in death… there are worgen spirits that claim they’ve been that way since childhood. The human form is more or less just cosmetic, and to rub that salt even deeper in the wounds the worgen’s human form is an exact clone of the stormwind humans outside of jokes and flirts. Worgen don’t even get their own unique human forms yet almost all their cosmetic options are for that worthless form while the form they use normally gets shunned and ignored. Goes without question this is a injustice that I wish more than anything to see corrected. Give worgen tails at the very least Blizz instead of giving them the finger like you all have been for so very long


Ironically racials were the final selling point for me not to go back to Horde when Alliance really started dying. I like my worgen zoomies too much.

I know the exact moment too: I was doing Tanaan dailies/rares on my old horde main getting him up to something I could maybe work with and I was running out of a cave. Reflexively I hit my darkflight hotkey. This was far from the first time and I decided I did not like how often that was happening, so my one time wavering from playing a werewolf died.

People say it is not a dps cooldown, but the number of deaths I’ve avoided by using it begs to differ. I smirk at people when they say “ohh I almost got there.” It is such a great “oops I have to move” button.


Yeah, uptime is damage. :dracthyr_love_animated: Or survivability. It’s also not really meant to be their damage racial, that’s the 1% crit. Sort of like how Tauren has Warstomp but also 2% more crit dmg/healing.

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Give Worgen Tails!


Well it is the active racial and that has been a common criticism levied against it when compared to orcs, trolls, and others. And to be fair such things are better when things are going perfectly, but when things are going perfectly you shouldn’t need them. I’d rather be moving with extra speed when things go a little bit awry.

Perfect example: Our carry this evening used chi burst against one of triple pulls before Sha, pulled the 5 pull with it. Through the chaos I was able to keep the interrupts and dps going because I was still able to avoid and position.

…then he did it again with the other 3 pull as we were mopping the last of that up. :rofl:

Gib Wuggos Tails!

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MAKE GNOLLS PLAYABLE! GNOLLS HAVE TAILS! I want to play one and roleplay as one.


Give Worgen Tails!


That’s what people never get about this racial: It’s a tool for survival, and a good one on top of that.
Back in Legion and BfA when i did dungeons and raid, it worked like an emergency button to save my skin (i am a healer).
When you play a class lacking mobility like the Death knight, it becomes an invaluable tool.

It’s useless only in PvP because DPS have a lot of skills to catch up to you.

Some suggested to change it into a leap, i am strongly against the idea:

  • If it works like the jump of the warrior, you will lose at lease 2 seconds while you need it to work immediatly.
  • If it’s an auto-leap with a predetermined distance, you lose the flexibility to stop where it is needed and have to think where you will land.

The only change i wish would be to reduce the cooldown of this racial.

Talking about the racial reminded me about the Maw at the beginning of Shadowland: While no one could use their mount, with the racial Running wild i circulated at mount speed.
For once the worgen racial was the superior one in an activity even if it was temporary.


I laughed when Running Wild worked in the maw. I got so many nasty I hate you PMs while playing for that. It just made me smile.


Having a tail is a huge responsibility, and honestly, Worgen are just too irresponsible.


The one thing I’ve seen for pvp is it frees from snares so you can move at full speed. IMO good enough and on par with other abilities.

Give Worgen Tails!


“Gib Wuggos Tails!”

  • Let’s try to avoid this kind of cringey vernacular, it reinforces negative stereotypes about the players who want options like having their bipedal wolf-people characters being able to have a tail.

Anyway give worgen tail options!


Gib Wuggos Tails!

they wont ever get tails blizzards lazy and incompetent and only add stuff that makes them money.



Who’s to say an optional tail will not get more people playing Worgen? The numbers of players playing Worgen went up when we got rid of the abomination who can say for sure if we wouldn’t see new players shown love of Worgen with more options?


I would almost guarantee that if tail options get added there will be a net positive in the amount of Worgen players.

Its requested everywhere.