Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Worgen will get tails after they add void elf Paladins.

Oh, yea. I know all that. It was my idea to create the Midnight Croppers (cross faction) guild.

Iā€™m sure we will not have many Worgen members.

I do predict we will gain a few that catch Stockholm Syndrome post-crop. Those are the ones that you can trust to shave you with a straight blade on 3 cups of coffee.

So, Iā€™m really not sure what the problem is. Hey! no worries though. I have me a number of Vulpera friends. You want a Worgen tail cap? is that it? Iā€™ll hook you up, bro.

Give Worgen Tails!


So I recall an idea here about wanting roses entwined with the tail as a customization once worgen gain tailsā€¦ and Iā€™ve gotta askā€¦wouldnā€™t that hurt? I mean hey I get it the worgen crest has roses on it so itā€™d fit but roses got thorns and having those near the flesh of the tailā€¦ would that be comfortable at all? Alsoā€¦seeing a lot of folk whoā€™re red orā€¦having their face replaced by a boxā€¦ lot of weird glitches these days. Wonder if itā€™s something theyā€™re wearing doing that

I seeā€¦would this be the same for likeā€¦folk who wanted to bleach undead bones? Possibly coat what flesh you still have in another coating of the stuff they used to preserve bodies maybe?

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Do not give worgen tails, they will just end up smelling even worse

Give Worgen Optional Tails and increase the chance to get the mount before event ends across the board for all.

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I can not say for sure. However, to me, it sounds like a different interest group. It doesnā€™t sound like something that would attract a lot of beings, but Iā€™m sure you can dig up a couple more oddballs to do that with you.

Cologne? What is this, Christmas? And am I supposed to be your uncle or something? Let me guess. Does it sound something like Spold Ice? I should have someone henna that little boat on the white bottle to my humerus. Wouldnā€™t that be funny.

Not something Iā€™d take part in personallyā€¦just the idea to make a group for chopping tails sounded like another odd group Iā€™ve heard of in the past that wanted to bleach bones and do things to undeadā€¦ some real odd folk out there. Iā€™d for one just try to help you not get chewed on by worgen if you do try chopping tailsā€¦ chopped tails is a style after all

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Worgen are born with tails. Then, like Corgis, you like Corgis right, well like Corgis, they cut the tail off.
If itā€™s good enough for the Corgis in the game, itā€™s good enough for the Worgen.


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Worgen look extremely unbalanced without tails, it would round out their design.


Whatā€™s kinda sad isā€¦all these haters that come in here demanding worgen not get tails spew some crazy nonsense or god forbid claim thereā€™s some kind of ā€œfurry agendaā€ being pushed but for all we know worgen were meant to have had tails from day one but Blizz got strapped for time or money and had to cut something to meet their deadline. Why theyā€™d hit the beta models for worgen with the ugly bat for ten years Iā€™ll never know but now theyā€™ve got the chance to fix this. How can they fix this well Iā€™ll tell youā€¦by giving worgen optional tails and customization options to help them catch up to everyone else. Iā€™m not saying their human form needs anything further oh noā€¦their worgen form needs the love as if they do anything for the human form thatā€™s for RP purposes basically it should be giving them a unique dance so their human form isnā€™t always a constant clone of stormwind humans. Plz Blizzā€¦do the worgen a favor and show them some loveā€¦ give the doggos optional tails rather than just a cruel joke at their expense, theyā€™ve suffered enough itā€™s time to give them good things and show them theyā€™re not your least favorite of the playable races. Feel free to hurt the elves and humans thoughā€¦they need to be knocked down a few pegs after getting spoiled a ton lately


literally this. I would play worgen but it looks stupid without tail.


Worgen get tails ASAP cause the race has some of the least customization options in the game. Races with tons of customizationā€™s can wait for something new till after those without much get some. Elves of any sort should be last in line to get anything new seeing how often they have gotten more options and stuff than any other race in the game.

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I mean, itā€™s already 100% confirmed every class/race combination is gonna happen by the end of the expansion. Weā€™ll even be getting worgen, pandaren, and undead paladins at the same time just like the monks right now next patch.

So yeah, guess that means worgen tails will also happen this expansion. :smiley:

Blizzard says they are looking at everyones feedback this expansion, so if we were to believe them, weā€™d see things like worgen tails, troll beards, and other heavily requested customization happening this expansion.


Gib Wuggos Tails!


Give these cute itty bitty wittle wovable puppy wuppies optional tails pwease Bwizzard youknow you want to oh and make the increase across the board for the remainder of the event to help others get the mount. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

ā€œI mean, itā€™s already 100% confirmed every class/race combination is gonna happen by the end of the expansion. Weā€™ll even be getting worgen, pandaren, and undead paladins at the same time just like the monks right now next patch.ā€

This wasnā€™t confirmed. We will eventually get all race/class combos, but it may take several expansions. Govern expectations proportionally!

Youā€™re right about voicing our wishes for customization options!

If we follow by the 10.0.7 cycle of thing, yeah, we might end up getting em all as early as 11.0.7, that is if we end up getting demon hunters as well, then 11.1.7.

It could go like:
10.1.7 - Paladin
10.2.7 - Warlock
10.3.7 - Shaman
11.0.7 - Druid

That or we can have a situation where they give us 2 classes at once.
Itā€™s just me speculating thought, youā€™re right it might not all happen this expansion, but it is possible!

I for one canā€™t wait to play a prot paladin worgen like I always wished I could, Iā€™m hoping thatā€™s the next one.


If they do actually plan to add all classes, and Iā€™ve seen Blizzard fail too many times on things more explicitly promised, warlocks are next because there is no additional work required beyond some adjustment to lore that would preclude certain races. Paladins need mounts. Shamans need totems. Druids need shapeshift forms. Hopefully they do demon hunters too. Iā€™m not a huge fan of playing elves.