Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

That pic is Oldwick before his redesign and rework.

ah I see, still looks pretty wicked either way. Wonder how he’ll look if he happens in Arcane season 2 but…that’s what alter this year that we get to find out? Still…hoping worgen get tails as I’d totally make a worgen guy with blue fur and a tail and name them Warwick at this point lol

Give tails Worgen!


You know I’m just trying to help create awareness, thanks for trying to shoot me down again, but we’re all trying to achieve one thing here or the majority anyway.

Worgen getting tails, optional w/e, it’s not about me or the art, or even the artists.

So please, you don’t have to keep kicking me, I get you know stuff, I’m just posting furry pics to keep the thread bumped and show that tails can look cool.




Give Worgen Tails!


I actually was pretty upset when they released the Worgen and there was no tail.

But when I get my Vulp, first words out of my mouth are: OMG THE TAIL SO FLOOFY

Blizzard pls.


Gib Worgen Tails!


I dont understand why they didnt just let evokers have customization the only defence I could see is they think it would clip too bad but clearly thats not an issue for them based on other races.

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skyrim? just instant thought

Gib Wuggos Tails!


The current state of Worgen is people playing the race are at an all time high due to the HD model revamp but we are still badly lacking in customization options compared to other races. Something like an optional tail would add to the choices we have and would really add to the unique look of the model. Given the choice it seems like it is one of the more simple things to add. Like we have said we can get it via a blessing from Goldrinn if the “BUTTTTT MUUUUUHHHHHHH LORE! REEEEEEEEEEE” crew really wants an honest reason. But with how much has been added to other races without so much as a peep to a lore reason I think its safe to say no matter how its added it would be fine. Also come on Blizzard we get told we cant have tails cause its “LORE” yet its your own lore that Worgen are 8 feet tall. Give us a lore correct size!


Give Worgen Tails!


Give Worgen Tails!


you are very red and i am still advocating for the tail option


the side efects of drinking too much arcwine :stuck_out_tongue:

gib wuggos tails!


I was against this. Then just now. It dawned on me. I am all for this! I’d love to see Worgen get tails. I’d also like to be a member of an elite tail cropping team of my own invention.

We’ll mobilize by moonlight. It’ll take a little time, but I can clearly visualize all those cropped tail nubs wagging in line at the Bank and AH. I’ll be the first person in all of WoW with a Worgen tail cap.


suspiciously eyes the tail cropping undead

That said, let worgens have their optional tails

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/shrugs in befuddlement.

What’d I do?

Cropping is to cut or remove, so a tail cropping team would be a tail cutting team, a thing tailed races (or hoping to be tailed race in the case of Worgen) would be leery of

Gib Wuggos Tails!

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