Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I’ve never seen that, thanks for sharing it!

Kaji Sagara did a great job presenting many of the concerns we’ve had for so many years,
as well as proof that our animation skeleton already has a tail - it’s just been made transparent. Goes to show that only a modest effort on Blizzards part would be needed to give us that option.

Blizzard, please give Worgen a tail option!


Heh. Nice try, I’ll give you both props and an upvote for this attempt at subversiveness.

Since the typical Forsaken is virtually indistinguishable from a Scourge zombie, I agree that providing proof of killing them (for credit towards earning a tail) would be open to fraud…so I have a counter-proposal.

Since the Horde’s Orcs are pretty near the only segment of that race that are green…and, because they are also equally guilty of invading our homeland…every green orc head presented will earn merit in this endeavor.


oooo A gentle-persons parley.

I know not what you speak of. I would furrow my brow if I had eyebrows and forehead skin.

I have the upmost respect for Orc’s. Some may say it’s brown nosing, but I have no nose. I also have confidence in the power and ability of Orcs (check out the Orc appreciate thread).

I have absolute faith that removing a head from an Orc will be so difficult that I will agree to these terms without even consulting with an Orc. You do know they stand upright now too. All that does is give them even more follow through on their attacks.

I once saw an Orc cut through a bunch of Joffrey’s guards like cake. like Red Velvet Cake.

I’m not a big fan of how the skin fits the model, but this spits in the face of all the naysayers about how much work the tail would take to add. I don’t get why he had to use the cloak maybe he explained that in the parts I skipped.

It took me a sec to remember where I knew this from. That was a cool game.


We will consider it but if we find out this isn’t truth we will double the efforts to hunt down Forsaken. We also hear we get a bonus of extra bones from Forsaken so the hunt will be even more worth it. It would be a shame to see you get upright stance only to be hunted down by Worgen.

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The better to run away from you with.

Run away little girl. Run away

Hey you, ya you Blizzard I got a cute fuzzy wuzzy wittle Worgen pupper dog is sad why you ask is the pupper sad because the wittle fuzzy wuzzy is missing an optional tail so please make my Worgen happy and let us who want one have an optional tail.

Try telling that to all those worgen in Silverpine forest (I think that was the area anyways) who’re murdering undead in droves. Worgen really want their tails so the idea they’d slaughter undead for them isn’t too far fetched


Guess your murder is on the house then.
:skull::dagger: :wolf:


I was lead to understand that was a group of extremists. I get it. We undead are very unpopular right now. You don’t really need to have a silly excuse like, somehow, we have your tails to hunt us down. It’s preposterous ::flips Davy Crockett hat::

Oh, I’ve been murdered before. Bring it on! ::throws hand::

One day we will be surprised by new Worgen customization. I would never expect an apologies from Blizzard for years of neglect but hey lets go with what we can get at this point. Starting with a lore correct size and optional tail and we will see what else we can get from there. Blizzard knows the Worgen player base has grown and needs to do something to keep it going.


I don’t need nor want any apologies. As far as I’m concerned, if we get some of the customizations we’ve been asking for (especially a tail option), all sins will be forgiven.

Good things (hopefully) come to those who wait.


:skull: :fire: :dragon_face:


They’re what’s left of the populations from the cities and towns Sylvanas, Garrosh, and the Horde at large destroyed. Hardly extreme when you’re fighting those who took everything from you.

drops it in the fire pit where all undead belong.


Two wrongs do not make a right. Besides, you’re a wolf, man. Y’all should be thanking those responsible. Without them you wouldn’t have the power to fight them off in the first place. yeesh.

Nobody in the Horde has anything to do with the Sythe of Elune, besides trying to steal it like the thieves and parasites you are.

the one behind the worgen curse popping up in gilneas was a human mage named Arugal…the horde had nothing to do with it besides trying to steal the scythe

Beautiful! Then stop blaming us for all your woes.

Spake the corpse, finger of the Forsaken, allegiant or obeisant to Sylvanas, so on and so forth so foul.


OK, now were kind of teetering on the edge of irony. Yes, fine! Decaying flesh stinks. I get it. As I’ve stated before, I have a method that combats that, to a degree.

BUT, I am not going to stand here …oof I’m tired. Let me lean.
BUT, I am not going to lean here and let a dog call us foul.

You get wet, you stink. You dry to slowly, You stink. Rotting flesh on the undead is our own flesh. Your rotting flesh is between your stank teeth.

Hey, one of you dogs in this thread already said that it was a human who did you wrong, but here you are, fighting for them like a very literal lap dog.

::squeezes squeaky toy repeatedly and throws it:: Fetch.

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