Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give Worgen tales! Grand tales, heroic tales, tales of love and tales of laughter! Tales of sorrow and regret!

Just don’t give them tales of tails. Just give them the dang tails.


Pandaren have the option to have a tail or not, so I don’t see the issue in giving Worgen the same treatment. The lore in World of Warcraft is constantly evolving so, why too shouldn’t player customization?

And while we’re at it, might as well add a height slider for all the races. Or a revamp of character customization again to be more akin to FFXIV. It’d be pretty funny to see a large Vulpera or a small Tauren/Worgen running around…


While I would like to see a lore correct size for Worgen I think within a 30% size increase or decrease would be a nice slider to have. After all the game uses Tab targeting more than click to target most of the time.


That’s… super messed up. Give Worgen tails.


In a way, that’s how I role-play this character; a useful monster. A resolute soldier that, when called upon by her king, becomes a savage killer. She will never willingly resume her ‘human visage’, and would welcome becoming even more savage (i.e, more wild, with a tail). Make it so, Blizzard!




Tails soon TM.

the guy who started this post said that his dream in life is to get this thread to 13,000 posts - keep going make his dream a reality

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Yet another wonderful piece, I’d love to see worgen get fur like that alongside tails


yes and Dark Iron Draeneis too

I notice your transmog suggestion and ignore it and counter with, give worgen tails or the option for them

Sadly we haven’t seen Hamburger post in a bit. But his suggestion was noted and quickly rejected by the Worgen community. He will be remembered for his slip ups and misquotes of “facts”. But on a good note we are still here and still requesting optional Worgen tails. I did warn him. I am not one to be trifled with, when you come to a thread you better know your stuff as I have been at this for a long time, coming in here and not knowing your facts allows me to have some fun. Fun times were had.

almost at 13,000 keep going

yeah idk where all these folks are coming from, lot of crazy ideas being thrown around lately. I mean come on worgen need more options and it’s quite clear by this point but nope these folks come in here claiming there’s some kind of “furry agenda” … I mean really now… that’s their excuse? Some made up agenda?


my suport for worgn tails

keep up the god work against a ntis

Is there a Worgen/Gilnean Discord Server to talk about everything that is Worgen?

Not the males which I would love if we did :confused:


Hey folks! I finded out a video which combines verry interesting featuers, alpha worgen model with tail also the facial hair of the beta one. Check out.


I remember that video, and model. Pity it was scrapped.

I’m not sure who has told you this, but I fear they may have been mistaken. Mass murder of undead isn’t going to get you tails. I’m sorry. It’s true.

It’s a capacity issue. I know this because I know people who are deep in the weeds at Bliz. Capacity is a real concern. Too much capacity and things begin to get wonky.

Here’s the trade off. Night Elf Ears. Those bouncy dong-like thingamajigs are not only offensive, they are the reason Worgen have no tails. My understanding is in a patch or two there will be an NPC in major cities who will collect Night Elf ears in exchange for Worgen tails.

Is this going to force members of the Alliance to turn on one another? I hope so. What will the Horde do? Watch. There is one thing most of the Horde like more than wiping out the Alliance. That’s watching the Alliance wipe itself out.


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