Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

12 years of mocking their fan base, it’s time to turn things around!

#GiveWorgenOptionalTails :wolf:


Wryxian still even work for Blizzard?

I don’t think Ive seen a post from him in years much less a post that matters from him.

Irrelevant. It’s an indication of how long we’ve waited as well as pointing out it’s something the fans have been asking for since Worgen as a playable race first appeared. If Wryxian is gone perhaps others who stood in the way are gone as well.

It’s 2023, Blizzard has a chance here to show they are actually listening to the players like they said they would be doing in DF.


why…does this make me think they’re going to make us hunt tailed creatures for tails? In that he says you’ll need to loot them from mobs… still if this is true and it works out the way we all hope…I’d say this is good news. Basilisk tails though… worgen with scaly tails?

He’s mocking us, he isn’t seriously saying we will get anything. Also, that was 12 years ago :slight_smile:


oh… well 13 years ago come February but… yeah makes sense he’s mocking us as the idea of having to hunt creatures for your tail options sounds too fishy to be true. Kinda sad when devs turn to mocking their fan base, more so when they do it for fun and laughs. Is asking for tails so much to ask, should of happened by now. #GiveWorgenTails


Anyone notice a large lack of Hamburger posting… wonder if he got a little break… cruel grin

Oh well anyway who cares about some old staff member who’s pathetic joke means nothing. Blizzard owes so much to the Worgen race for all the years of abuse they have done. End of story.

They want my respect they start with optional tails, lore correct size, optional posture for males, more fur colors, more eye colors (Especially for Worgen DKs) and some real hair styles.


Give Worgen tails

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1+ and hoping this hits 13000.

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I’m tempted to race change my worgen just cuz of how derpy the run is and still no tail and little customisation compared to human form./

I just want my worgen to be good but makes it hard to motivate play

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Maybe the alpha model both male and female with updated textures could be included like snout,fang and hairstyle option and bam, here it is. :smiley: And GOD please, i hope they fix the chicken feets… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Not to mention they need to fix the terrible posture the males have.

…oh yeah. Worgen should be allowed to be Paladins too. Just sayin’.


You mean how worgen got three toes or how Dracthyr’s foot prints are literally chicken prints? also #GiveWorgenTails

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Yup! Maybe the guy who made those has been really drunk. ;d

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And shammys, and defenitely a hide weapon tmog.

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Make Worgens get their own tails like the rest of us.

I heard each 5 undead we kill gets us that much closer to the goal of getting Tails. I also heard they get a debuff that makes them have to roll a new character if the Worgen player opts in for the great Undead purge.

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'Lo, the tails! The appendages of canine frivolity and community! That canine folk lack to their dismay and disgust!

'Lo, the pain of inexpression and imbalance! Of wags unwagged and perks unperked. Of missed happiness and absent sadness.

'Lo, that happy little nub. Or a slender flange. Or a mass of fluff so prominent and looming so large one might hide entire doors with it!

Give Worgen Tails.


1+ For Worgen tails. Got to keep the ball rolling and the dream alive.

Give Worgens tails & customizable Manes pls

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