Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Watch Helluva Boss, look at Loona’s glorious tail, and treat that as the baseline.

I wanna be able to use that tail as LoS cover.

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New worgen dance when we get our tails. :smiley:


Become lost in the fluff.

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can this be optional too? I like the current dance the female worgen do…when it animates right and doesn’t start looping a third of the dance for some reason. Also hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year

I still would like to see Worgen human form use the waltz. Now that Dracthyr use the human dance too we got 3 races using the same dance. Thats a tad bit lazy.


I want to see both forms use the waltz.
I’m about as big a fan of Gaga as I am of the Bubonic Plague.

See my idea is use the Waltz for human form cause its more of a civil thing. I think Poker Face is fine as a bit more of a wild side dance, I think it could be animated a bit better as it loops poorly but thats just personal option.

First bump of the new year
Happy 2023

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Happy New Year everyone!

Let’s make 2023 the year of the tail and put an end to this tale once and for all.




Happy NEW Year~

Time a New Years resolution is made to GIVE Worgen tail options. Nay, Give EVERYONE Tail options. Give Vulpera MORE tail options (and tails)

Let it be something WE can ALL TAILent into having




I couldn’t remember who posted that originally… now I do :slight_smile:

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Since this is the new year im re-upping my support to help get worgen optional tails and the other customization options. So since its a new year Blizz lets get the worgen new tails.

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Sure. But more importantly…



I understand people want that, and it would be nice but for my characters they have embraced the Worgen change and see the human form as weak. They wouldn’t change back so at least in my book that is more of a lower priority. But as I said I know plenty of people who would love to see a toggle just like how Visage works and I am all for that. Just after we get optional tails as that request has been going on far longer. :smiley:


I just wish that visage form didn’t have a mechanical benefit.


what mechanical benefit besides being able to see your clothes? I mean hey the visages are fine but I’d rather not be stuck with human girl or elf boy… I’d probably use visage on my dracthyr more if I actually had a choice what mortal race they see their self as. More so the fact neither my dracthyr nor my worgen see themselves as humans let alone elves so I never swap back to human as my worgen and my dracthyr stays in dragon mode 24/7. Here’s hoping 2023 is a year worgen get optional tails and blizzard gives Dracthyr more visage options. I mean the line from Ebyssian that “A visage form is how you see yourself as” yet Dracthyr don’t get a choice on the matter… still rubs me the wrong way


I agree, but I think we’ll get future visage forms for dracthyr as long as we keep that topic relevant & not die on a burner
It is odd that we’re told “A visage form is how you see yourself as” when we’re stuck playing humans- which I wouldn’t be so annoyed at if we were given new animations & not stuck with the ugly human animations. The way their mouths overly stretch when the yawn & that dumb human dance really takes beauty away from the customization they do have.

I’d love to have updated forms that are on par with the current “human” visage - by adding scales/ jewelry etc/ updated faces- my visage form would be draenei if possible

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I’m honestly glad more people don’t know about this, or it’d be “meta” to include a dracthyr in visage form for between-pull healing.

I do that in raid. We wipe I rez and hit the raid with a dream breath, two blooms and take Visage form to regen the raid to full for quicker pulls. Even one of our other evokers asked why I did it till I told them. So I made my xmog look nice. Totally would choose a Worgen Visage form if I could.

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