Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)


all in

What I lack in tail I make up with my freakishly long tongue. I have to wear this mask just to keep it in.

In the World of Warcraft universe, worgen are a race of humanoid wolves that are known for their fierce and cunning nature. They are tall and lupine, with fur-covered bodies and distinctive wolf-like heads. While they are depicted as having long, bushy tails in some official artwork and descriptions, worgen characters in the game do not currently have the option to display tails in their character models.

It is ultimately up to the developers of World of Warcraft to decide what customization options are available for each race in the game. While there is no guarantee that your suggestion will be implemented, the developers do take player feedback into consideration when making decisions about the game.

All these options for tail sounds amazing, I am curious how the rose one would work but still it’s a neat idea

Hmm yeah these are nice ideas too, and after worgen get their optional tails maybe vulpera can get these options for their tails too?

It would make sense and is a prominent feature to customize.

Though I wonder, how much bigger can their tails get before they become hindered? :thinking:

Not that I disapprove of MAX fluff.

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It wrong I’d love a like cosmetic ability where a vulpera or worgen’s tail gets so fluffy they can smack folk with it? I mean can you imagine a worgen with a nice fluffy tail standing at the AH then they use their cosmetic knockback that only works on players maybe and just ends up tail smacking a gnome out the door? That or a vulpera tail smacking a goblin and stunning them for a moment? Said cosmetic ability ignored if you got that one item that cancels such things out

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Though it would be funny, I don’t trust this games comunity not to ruin it lol

But now I kinda want to see what happens Blizzard disabled the need to be in a party with all those other affects

Drakthyr kidnaping people would be horrifying lol

We literally have a PvP talent that make us do that lol. Its called Swoop Up.


It’s fun as you can Swoop up someone to a cliff edge the Wing Buffet em away. Most are just too puzzled to figure out what just happened before they crater.


In a few hours my game time will end and since this is yet another expansion I really don’t like so far, I won’t stick around for several months, in which I wouldn’t play anyway. It really depends on what they will deliver with the next content patch, if I’ll come back or not.
So here is probably my last support post for you guys.

For starters, try to be not upset about the people, who come here just to repeatedly tell you that you shouldn’t get the customizations you’d like to see.
No offence, but especially the wow community has a lot of really toxic people. Such behavior I really only ever saw from wow players. Players, who constantly try to gatekeep stuff for others because in their opinion:

  1. Only they should get the customizations they want and you would take time away from the devs, if they start caring for you.

  2. Only their faction should get certain stuff.

  1. They simply don’t won’t you to get stuff.

I guess such a behavior is excusable for Kindergarten kids, you know, not wanting to share toys or seeing other kids getting new toys, even though they have a lot of toys themselves or even the same toys for their own, but seeing adults act this way is just sad. Especially considering that we are talking about pixels here. :sweat_smile:

Partly I give the devs the fault for such a toxic behavior though. Their game design and the way they are treating customizations and races obviously attracts such folks.

Anyway, don’t let them bother you too much. If anything be happy that they help keeping this topic relevant.

I hope you will get your wish next year and that the devs stop neglecting a certain part of their playerbase.



The r fact the ain’t done this is shameful

Give worgen tails

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I want, no, NEED that whispy tail!


Long and turbo-bushy tail for me please. I want one that’ll put Loona to shame with its sheer fluff.

I’m pretty sure a tail was originally designed into the race but was dropped due to lack of developer time or something similar. It’s just too clear that we were made to have a tail:

Compare that with:


Hope everyone here has a Safe and Happy New Year!

Hope we all get optional tails and a lore correct size!

Come on Blizzard make this a great New Year for Worgen!


I’m here to support #GiveWorgenTails for 2023

And happy New Years everyone.


Looking at this just makes it so obvious at this point. Just look at it all. blizzard please just give us the darn tails already!


Given all the ‘leftovers’ in the model I would not be surprised.

 What would be the theoretical maximum?

I am picturing something like the Draenei tail lengths as a good scale of what we might get in terms of length. But how much fluff we talkin’?

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